Chapter 22

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It had been a few weeks since Hikori participated in the entrance exams and he was expecting a letter from UA to tell him if he got in or not. This was actually the topic that the class was discussing currently. The chatter was loud but Hikori kept to himself.

"Is there anyone here that participated in the exams?" Miss Akane questioned, shutting the class up. Everyone rose their hands, even Hikori.

"You participated, Shock treatment?!" Akuma scoffed.

"Yeah...?" Hikori said quietly. The class burst into fits of laughter.

"You can't even use your quirk without going numb in the fingers! And you expect to get into UA?! Keep dreaming!"

"You know both my grandparents, my Aunt and Uncle as well as my parents went to UA, so there is a high possibility that I could get in..."

"What?! Through bribing?!"

"No. through pure practise."

This got the class laughing once more. Hikori felt a furious blush spread across his face and a burning hatred for these kids. He wanted them all to burn in hell.


As he walked home that night, he couldn't help but think about what they all said. His hands started to shake once more, fingers tingling. Shoving his hands in the pockets of his jacket, he kicked a rock along the footpath. Reaching the front door, opening it and stepping in, he was welcomed with cheers from his family.


"What is all of this?"

Streamers of purple, black and yellow were strung up. His Grandpa Mic handed him and envelope. When he took it, he felt the weight of something inside. Sitting on the couch, family following in pursuit, Hikori opened the letter, only to have a small disc fall out. Placing it on the table and pressing the top, a holographic image of Deku appeared. It seemed to look right at him.

"Congratulations, Hikori Kaminari. We watched you fight and tallied up all of the points you received in total. I am proud to say that you have been accepted in UA's Hero Course; Class 1A! An additional letter has been included in the envelope that contains a list of all the school supplies that you will require, as well as a token to pick up your new uniform. We are looking forward to seeing you next year. Go Beyond! PLUS, ULTRA!"

The hologram disappeared and Hikori was left, gobsmacked at what he had just heard. He had gotten into UA, and not just that, but the highest class; the Hero Course. When reality finally settled in, Hikori cried out in joy. He was going to UA!

"I'm going to UA!"

"I'm so proud of you, Hikori!" Denki cried, tears running down his face.

Eri wrapped her nephew in a big hug. "Looks like you're following in the family's footsteps."

"Well done, little buddy!" Kota ruffled the kid's hair.

"You are to give them hell, Alright. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You will show them what the Kaminari's are made off!" Present Mic cried with gusto.

"Your destiny is only created by the path that you carve. You don't have to follow directly in our footsteps. Do what feels right to you."

"I will, Grandpa Aizawa!"

Hikori beamed at his family. He loved them all so much. He wouldn't change them for the world. His grandpas both went to UA and became heroes and even teachers. His parents went to UA and became great heroes. His Aunt Eri and Uncle Kota had attended. Eri became the new nurse and Kota became a great hero, too.

All of them had been placed in the Hero Course and now Hikori, the 4th generation of the family, was having his life start out in the same spot. He was looking forward to it. New friends. New school. New schedual, new challenges. UA was going to give him so many different obstacles and challenges but Hikori wasn't going to hide in the shadows or stray near the back of the pack, no. He was going to lead that pack and face whatever the school throws at him head on, with a smile.

He looked at his dads. Hitoshi Kaminari. The Mind Hero; Mind Meddler. A great Papa. Always willing to help. Doesn't get mad at him for staying awake due to his insomnia. Rarely yells but when he does, he's serious.

Denki Kaminari. The Stungun Hero; Chargebolt. An awesome dad. Always welcomes everyone with a smile. Goofy at times and sometimes acts like a child. Never fails to make him laugh. Has a habbit of snapping when mad but that is duo to his past, as Papa says.

Eri Aizawa. Great Aunt and an even greater teacher when it comes to life skills and tending to injuries. Kota was a great uncle, too. Puts out any fire that would rage to high, figuratively and literally.

Grandpa Aizawa. Gumpy. Moody. Always tired and trying to steal their cats. Present Mic. Always fun to goof around with. Doesn't have any shame when it comes to embarrassment.

And himself; Hikori Shota Kaminari. Next generation of the family. Literally has the blood of a hero in his veins. He won't disappoint them. He'll prove everyone at his school wrong. He'll be one of the best heroes that they will ever see.

Hikori was looking forward to UA.

He can't wait to start.

The last chapter :( 

So Hikori got into UA!

What challenges will the year bring him? Will he accomplish his dream of proving his middle school wrong?

You'll just have to wait to read Destiny; MHA Next Generations

P.S. I have already created characters for Hikori's classmates of 1A, but I would like to use some of your guys' OCs for others!

If you guys do let me use your OCs, please comment, in the appropriate class (that you would like your OC to be featured in), the name of your OC, their quirk with a brief explanation and any additional information I could use (Sexuality, Pronouns, etc.)



If you don't want you're OC/s to be students, here are some additional 'classes' that they can be placed within;




I'm looking forward to meeting these OCs! And if you want, if you have any sketches of them that I can use as reference, DM them to me!

P.P.S. Any OC's that have been included, the appropriate owner will be tagged and credited.

So thank you all for all of the support and love for this story!

I'll see you all soon!

- ShinKamiShipster


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