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Little: Hoseok (2-3)
Caregiver: Jin (daddy)
Plot: Hoseok hasn't slipped in a long time so Jin has to force him to slip. Which works, what do you think the reason is for Hoseok not slipping.

Jin has been worried about Hoseok, he hasn't slipped in 4 weeks and he's been very stressed.

Jin went to Hoseoks studio and had his little things with him.

Jin went into the studio "Seokie baby, daddy wants to play with you" Jin said "N-no Hyung I can't slip" Hoseok "Baby why" Jin asked "I miss my little baby" Jin said "I'm busy" Hoseok said "Come on Seokie, daddy really misses you" Jin said and Hoseok shook his head and Jin thought and stood up  and sniffed "My Seokie doesn't love me" Jin said and faked cried "I guess I'll leave, and kind a new baby" Jin said and started walking out the door.

Hoseok never came that didn't work.

Jin knew he had to force him into little space by yelling at him which he never wanted to do but had to.

Jin went back in the studio "Seokie!!" Jin yelled and Hoseok looked eyes widened Jin never yells at him "YOUVE BEEN VERY BAD, NOT COMING HOME, NOT EATING, YOUVE IGNORED EVERYONE TELLLING YOU TO COME HOME" Jin yelled "IM VERY AND I MEAN VERY DISAPPOINTED IN YOU SEOKIE" Jin yelled and regretted it.

Hoseok doesn't like being yelled at and doesn't like disappointing his daddy.

Hoseok tried to hold on his cries but couldn't hold it back "SEOKIE SOWWY DADDY" Hoseok yelled tears running down his face Jin smiled since it worked and he picked up Hoseok "Dont cry baby its okay" Jin said and comforted his little baby "Don wike welling daddy" Hoseok said and hugged tighter "oh I'm sorry my sunshine, daddy won't do that again" Jin said and Hoseok nodded "Otay daddy" Hoseok said "Wan blankie an my paci an mangie" Hoseok said and Jin already had it ready giving the baby what he wanted.

Hoseok fell asleep in Jins arms and Jin carried him to the car and out him the car seat.

Jin got in the front and started driving when Hoseok woke up "Da' wan ou" The baby said and Jin knew he slipped younger than his normal head space "How old is daddies baby" Jin asked and Hoseok held up 1 finger and Jin smiled at Hoseok "Okay baby you can have me as soon as we get home" Jin said and Hoseok started to cry and scream kicking the seat "WAN DA' 'OW" Hoseok screamed tears running down his face "But baby I'm driving" Jin said "NWO NWO NWO WAN DA' 'OW" Hoseok cried so Jin stopped the car and turned around unstrapping Hoseok and bringing the baby up to the front on his lap.

Jin strapped in with Hoseok on his lap. Jin started driving again and the only thing he could think of was

I'm gonna go to jail if the police stop me

They soon reached home and Jin got out the car carrying Hoseok. Jim walked in the house and heads turned "JIN EOMMA" The 5 other members yelled and Jin glared at them "He's sleep" Jin yelled whispered at them "Sorry" They all whispered and Jins face softened as Hoseoka pacifier fell out and he sucked Jins neck instead.

Jin smiled and went to the front room and sat on the couch "Seokie wake up little sunshine it's time to eat" Jin said and Hoseok whimpered "Your oppas are all here's they miss you" Jin said "TaeTae oops was really sad when you were gone" Jin said and Hoseok sat up "Don wan Twaetae to bwe swad" Hoseok said and looked and saw Tae.

Jin out Hoseok down and Hoseok crawled to Tae and looked up "Twaetae oppwa, upies" Hoseok said and Tae picked him up.

Even though Jin was Hoseoks boyfriend and main caregiver Tae was the second closest to Hoseok.

"Twaetae I 'owwy do 'aking ou swad dwidnt mwean Doo" Hoseok said "No no, it's okay baby TaeTae oops isn't sad anymore cause your here right" Tae said "Ya!!!" Hoseok said and Tae smiled.

Hoseok then wanted Jin again so he made hands for Jin and Tae gave Hoseok to Jin.

Hoseok grew tired "Da' 'eokie sweepy" Hoseok said and Jin nodded and got a bottle filling it with milk and warming it for 1 minute

Jin went up to the room and changed the baby into a nappy and a onesie.

Jin tested the milk on his wrist and it wasn't to hot. Jin out the nipple in the babys mouth and Hoseok was drink from it a bit to fast and begin to choke on the milk. Jin sat up and patted the babies back "You okay there champ" Jin asked and Hoseok nodded

'Milk' Hoseok sighed to Hoseok (It's sigh language if anyone was confused)

Jin gave him the bottle back and Hoseok started drinking again "Remember prince it's all yours" Jin said and Hoseok drank slowly this time.

'Daddy full' Hoseok sighed to Jin and Jin saw the bottle was about empty to he put the bottle on the night stand and sat Hoseok on his lap and started patting Hoseoks back not to hard but not soft.

Hoseok burped and Jin smiled and felt Hoseoks diaper become full. Jin carried Hoseok to the changing pad and changed the baby and gave him a fresh diaper.

Jin went to the crib and laid Hoseok in.

The crib was pretty big and since Hoseok was a bit small he fit cutely in the crib.

Hoseok looked at Jin "Da'" Hoseok said and started crying "No don't cry, you want me to get in with you" Jin said and Hoseok nodded and Jin for in since there was enough room

Hoseok got on top of Jin and got inside of Jins shirt something he did when only really little "Aww my baby is really little today isn't he" Jin said and Hoseok laughed with was so cute Jin wanted to scream but didn't.

Jin kissed Hoseoks head "Good night baby" Jin said "Ni Da'" Hoseok said and Jin smiled both of them going to sleep.

Hoseok woke the next day and his diaper was wet and he didn't like that and being to little to talk and wake his daddy he could only cry.

Hoseok is crying and kicking around and Jin wakes up and panicked "Seokie baby what's the matter" Jin asked

'Wet' Hoseok signed to Jin "Oh, okay baby, let's get you changed" Jin said getting up and picking up Hoseok.

Jin went to the changing pad and saw he only peed. Jin changed Hoseok and put him in a new diaper then one of his over sized t-shirts since Hoseok liked that.

Jin picked Hoseok back up and walked down stairs.

Jin got a bottle and the milk and filled the bottle with the milk placing the bottle in the microwave for 1 minute.

Jin took the bottle out.

Jin then gave the baby the bottle and Hoseok screamed in pain since the bottle was to hot "Ah shit" Jin said pulling the bottle out the babies mouth.

He forgot to test the milk.

A few minutes later he tested it in his wrist and it was fine. He have the baby the bottle And he started drinking slowly. Jin rubbed the babies back as he drank from the bottle.

Jin then knew he had to talk with Hoseok about not slipping "Seokie hun, I need you to be big for a little" Jin said and Hoseok pouted but nodded.

Hoseok then looked at Jin then back down

"Tell me" Jin said "Tell you what" Hoseok said "Don't give me that bull shit, why didn't you slip, for 4 weeks" Jin said and Hoseok looked down "I'm sorry hyung" Hoseok said "I understand that, but you have to explain to me why" Jin said "I don't want to bother you" Hoseok said "Your already busy with everyone else, having to cook and feed us. And you work hard trying to learn dances, writing your own songs. I'll only add my work on your back, and I don't want to do that" Hoseok said looking down.

Jin pouted as the words Hoseok said "Now baby, when you told me you were a little, I mentally signed up to take care of you 24/7 no matter what I'm doing, I'm your caregiver your boyfriend, your band member, and your friend I don't care what I'm doing, I could be dead" Jin said and Hoseok laughed "How would you take care of me if your dead" Hoseok asked and Jin shrugged "Idk, but I'll try because I love you" Jin said and kissed Hoseok.

Hoseok hugged Jin and Jin hugged back.

Jin then pinched Hoseoks butt "Don't ever do that again though, you scared me" Jin said "Okayyyy, owww" Hoseok said and Jin smiled.

Jin allowed Hoseok to slip again and they spent the rest of the day cuddling

Hope you like this, if you can guys can please request as much as you'd like, I'm currently in containment so yeah, foil free to blow me up with request cause I'll happily write them for you well bye

사랑, 박민제스 (Love, Park Min Jess)

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