Chapter 10: Two Reds Make A Right

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When I wake up, I see that I'm in a cell.

Y/N: God...I need to retire.

Alexei: Is that you boy?

Then I look up and see the door open and then Melina comes in and helps me up.

Melina: I've just told Yelena about the knife.

Y/N: Good. We need to find Natasha.

Melina: No, we need to stick to the plan.

Y/N: I...

Melina: Hey...Natasha is strong. She will survive.

Y/N: Let's go.

(Five minutes later)

Alexei, Melina and I are now in the hallway near the cell block.

Alexei: Come on now, if we're just going to press buttons and hack computers then there's nothing for me to do. I want to...I want to break something.

Melina: Oh, you do?

I look and see the taskmaster.

Y/N: Well then, it's your lucky day, Alexei. We have an uninvited guest.

He turns and see the taskmaster.

Then Melina walks away.

Alexei then puts his helmet on and gets into a fighting stance.

Taskmaster activates claws that were like the black panther.

Alexei: Melina, if this is the last time...

He sees Melina is gone.

Alexei: Ah, damn it.

After that they both rush each other and start fighting.

Then as Alexei does a backflip and lands in a crouched position I run at the taskmaster and we start fighting.

He lifts me up and throws me against the wall and I land on my arm.

I then remember what Yelena said about the taskmaster mimicking moves that were already known which gave me an idea.

I then stand up and stick my unmovable arm behind my back.

Y/N: It's so funny, I've always wanted to ever been fencing?

The taskmaster tries to punch me but I move my head to the side.

Y/N: Yeah so fencing you basically keep your arm behind your back.

Then as he tries to rush at me I stick my leg out and trip him.

Y/N: Hmm...You just can't stay up can you.

Then he stands up and I wrap my arm around his neck but he just throws my body into a door.

Then Alexei and I begin fighting the taskmaster together but he just knocks us both to the ground and then stomps on his shield which brings it back up to him.

Then he starts fighting like Clint.

I manage to anticipate his attacks as Clint and I have trained each other our various moves.

Then after a few minutes the taskmaster started winning but then Melina comes in and does Nat's move on him and we lock him in a cell.

Melina: Come on, The red room is about to crash.

Y/N: Wait...I have to find Nat. I can't leave her.

Melina: Okay. Go through those doors.

I nod.

Then I leave and go find Nat.

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