Episode 15 - (Winter Sweeps Part 4/Last Part)

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Tulsa, Oklahoma

Tammy, surprised of seeing her father here outside of Hawk's home, stepped down the steps and saw Jonathan tensing up. Joshua and Reva were there too, but she can tell were trying their best to make sure this situation didn't get out of hand. She walked past the others before Tammy stopped six inches away from Richard, narrowing her eyes at the man who raised her.

Tammy – "Whatever you're doing here dad, just make it quick and leave please? We just left Hawk's funeral and the last thing we need on today is a fight between you and Jonathan. Hawk wouldn't want that on a day like this"

Richard – "Tammy, l wasn't here to cause any trouble. I just came by to give Reva flowers and condolences on my behalf until Jonathan...your BROTHER confronted me all of the sudden"

Jonathan – *Mumbles and rolls eyes* "Whatever dad"

Tammy – "Why can't you accept my relationship with Jonathan? We love each other and plan on spending the rest of our lives as husband and wife, this is what we wanted in the first place"

Richard – "Sweetheart, you're making a mistake, you AND Jonathan both from spending the rest of your lives together. A man like me doesn't wish any harm or bad things on the two of you by the way"

Cassie – "Richard, stop being so stubborn and just support them!

Cassie came out of the home and went down the steps, standing close to Tammy before she crossed her arms and spoke.

Richard – "This coming from the women who allowed all of this to happen when l was dead. You must have been one of their biggest supporters Cassie"

Cassie – "In the beginning l hated it because your son wasn't worthy of Tammy's love. He was bitter and angry because of what happened to him as a child, but even more after you died. But Jonathan proved to me that he wouldn't use Tammy or heart her on purpose"

Richard – "Cassie, there's no doubt Jonathan wouldn't hurt Tammy, but it doesn't change how l feel Cassie. Now if you all excuse me l must get going. Reva again, you and your family are in my thoughts on prayers today. Hawk was a great man, Joshua, Cassie, Tammy, Jonathan...l love you all, l hope we can still be a family together"




The Springfield Police Department surrounded the church as one of the officers wrapped the yellow tape around the entire perimeter so none except personnel can get in. CSI along with Remy and Rafe were in the restroom where James was found as they were investigating and looking for any clues on who attacked James. Frank walked in before Remy and Rafe saw the Chief of the SPD who obviously wants answers.

Frank – "Have you guys found anything?"

Remy – "Nothing, CSI's are still going through the scene and taking samples of the blood. Whoever attacked him must of have had a motive"

Rafe – "Frank, have you called anyone at the hospital about James? I'm worried about him"

Frank – "One of the officers at the hospital checked in with me and he's okay. James is stable but needs some time to recover"

Rafe – "Thank god, after today l don't think my family can take any more losses. At least Lizzie and my great aunt Alexandria are buried, at peace, but l want to find the person responsible for attacking him Frank"

Remy – "Is there any possible connection of Lizzie's death to what happened currently with James's attacker"

Frank – "Possibly, right now Mallet is checking at the footage from the cameras at the church just in case anything suspicious comes up"

Cop – "Chief Cooper, Lieutenant Mallet needs you in the other room"

Frank nodded before he motioned to Remy and Rafe so they can follow him. Leaving the restroom and walking into the other room Mallet points out to them what he sees. There was the man who knocked out James from behind, leaving the restroom then got into a car before speeding off.

Frank nodded before he motioned to Remy and Rafe so they can follow him. Leaving the restroom and walking into the other room Mallet points out to them what he sees. There was the man who knocked out James from behind, leaving the restroom then got into a car before speeding off.

Mallet – "I think we found our suspect Frank"

Frank – "Yes we have Mallet, he's, our guy. Let's get the license plate of that number and find him. Actually , Remy, Rafe, go to the judge for an APB stat. This guy is going down"



Cedars Hospital

Daisy sat next to James at beside where herself, along with Phillip and Beth were waiting for him to wake up. James other loved ones were standing outside of the room waiting since all of them couldn't be in the room at the same time. Daisy noticed James opening his eyes as she sadly smiled but squeezed on his hand as well.

Daisy – "James is waking up, James? Are you okay honey? How are you feeling?"

James – "D...Daisy? Where am l?"

Daisy – "You're at Cedars, you were knocked out from behind thanks to some idiot at the restroom of the church. But you're here now and you're okay...thank god for that"

Beth – "James, honey, it's us, were here too"

Phillip – "Were glad to see you awake by the way. You gave us quite a scare at the church earlier"

James – "Mom.... Dad...l...l heard her voice"

Beth – "Who?"

James – "My sister, Lizzie, l heard her voice on the phone when l was in the restroom. She sounded like she was in danger"

Beth – "Honey, Lizzie is gone, she's passed on. She's been already buried at the cemetery"

James – "Are you calling me a freaking liar mom? I'm telling you the truth here, neither am l crazy! Lizzie was on the other line, she's alive!"

Daisy – "How do you know this, James? Are you sure?"

Phillip – "Maybe you should rest son, after what happened today l think we all could use a break"

Cyrus – "He's not lying Phillip, Lizzie just called me....it was the real Lizzie Spaulding Lewis"

Bill – "What about her? What about my wife?"

Phillip, Beth, Daisy and Cyrus turned seeing Bill standing at the entrance of the room. Just hearing his wife's named made Bill somewhat hopeful that there was a kind of change or maybe he was just interested in everything that's going on. For Cyrus to back up what James said made everyone else in the room including James himself, feel like it was too good be true. If both James and Cyrus heard Lizzie's voice, then could she be alive after all?


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