Episode 18

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Springfield Police Department

Joshua and Reva showed up at the SPD this morning after the long evening they had last night from finding out Colin was kidnapped. They went to the house where Colin was staying along with Mallet, Remy and Rafe. When Mallet, Remy, and Rafe went inside, the parents and their children were tied up thanks to those in the Ultimate Force that came in before they snatched Colin, taking him away from them. The parents were okay and so were the children but none of that mattered to Reva, only Colin. She couldn't sleep last night, tossing and turning in bed, as her mind was on Colin so much. Joshua tried to comfort her but she was still pissed at him and Jonathan for keeping the truth about Jeffrey from her. And Jeffrey, where was he? Why hasn't he called her, or at least let him know he's okay? Or that he's looking for Colin maybe. Joshua and Reva weren't even talking to one another which for Joshua he hated, but Colin at this point was on their minds as well. Everything else had to be put aside as the pair came inside immediately seeing Frank talking to Mallet.

Reva - "Frank, where the hell is my son!? Why haven't you and the Springfield PD done enough to look for him!?"

Frank, who saw the not so happy look on Reva's face, immediately felt like Reva was going to explode again like she did the other day when he called her about Colin's kidnapping.

Frank - "Can we not do this here in public Reva?"

Reva - "What's wrong Frank, cat got your tongue this time?"

Mallet - "Hey, watch it Reva, the two of us including this entire precinct is doing the best we can to look for Colin, so don't go blowing all the steam on us okay?"

Reva thought of what Mallet said and knew he was right. Sighing a bit in anger, Reva scratched her head before nodding.

Reva - "You're right Mallet, look guys, i'm sorry okay? Joshua and I couldn't get enough sleep but it's been hard as of late to think straight when Colin is still missing"

Josh - "And you guys haven't had anything? No new leads? No clues leading to Colin's whereabouts as of now?"

Frank -"None, i'm sorry you guys are going through this but we're glad you're here actually. The FBI is involved in this, so I don't know if you saw the press conference the other day"

Reva - "No, we didn't but Marah, Jonathan and Joshua informed us about it. Since then it's hard to believe that Jeffry is a bad guy you know?"

Frank - " Well let me introduce you to the five FBI agents who are assigned to this case. Follow us"

Joshua and Reva go with Frank and Mallet to the squad room section where James is updating the agents on the case including new information they found as James recognized Joshua and Reva.

James - "Mister and Misses Lewis, it's good to see you again. I apologize for what you both saw last night"

Reva - "Joshua and I have seen worst Agent Harrison but thank you"

James shakes Reva and Joshua hands before he motions to the four other FBI agents to introduce them.

James - "As you two remember from last night these are my guys, my team, they're on our side. We've been doing the best we can to look for Colin"

Reva - "Thank you all, really, it means a lot to us. I just wish we had more to do when it comes to looking for my son"

Ashley - "I'm sure you've heard of Jeffrey's connection with the Ultimate Force. We've also learned that he was in contact with you mister Lewis and your step-son?"

Joshua - "Yes, that's correct ma'am. Both Jonathan and I, well mostly Jonathan kept contact with Jeffrey over the years"

Reva - *Mumbles* "And not me for some reason"

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