𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒕𝒕 𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒍

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I'm waiting for Maddy on my front verge, her words ring in my ears, 'Look hot'. I look down at my outfit, knots twist in my stomach. I'm wearing my favourite ripped jeans with a black, floral singlet. I paired it with black Chanel sunglasses and a mini bag.

It's ok Josette, calm down. You already have friends and they'll back you up. I tell myself, trying to feel less disgusted of how I look.

I glance  up to see Maddy in her black, shiny car. She winds down her window, pulling her sunglasses down.

"Holy shit Jo! You look hot babes!" She calls out at me as I enter the car.

"You look pretty fine yourself Mads." I admit. "Thank you sexy." She winks as we begin to drive.

After blasting 'Rich Girl' and 'Promiscuous' on my loud speaker, we finally arrived. I look over at Jose to see a face of worry. She doesn't seem as confident as she used to be. I take her hand into mine to ease her nerves. "We are everything, K? Besides, everyone loves you." I reassure her. She nods and smiles.

We begin to power down the halls, hand in hand. I can see everyone looking at us out of the corner of my eye, but we both fix our focus on the end of the hallway, just like I taught her. "What subject have you got now?" I ask Josette.

"Umm biology!" She replies. "What about you?"

"Stupid chemistry. My teachers a cunt!" I roll my eyes.

"Don't be such a pessimist Mads."

"I'll see you at break! We are at the same table we were when you left."

I sit down on the theatre-room floor, next to a girl who's wearing a maroon jumper and oversized shorts. Her identity is concealed under her hood.

"Okay, listen up, everybody. Welcome to Biology 301. So, let's start with a little improvisation. I'd like each of you to get up and tell us a five-minute story about your summer." The teacher speaks. God I hope I don't have to go first. I have no idea what to say.

The girl with the maroon jumper lays down, burying her head into my lap. "Hide me please Josette." The girl begs and that's when I realise who it is... Rue?

Before I had a chance to do or say anything to the girl, the teacher calls out, "Looks like we have our first volunteer, Rue." "Please don't do this to me."

Oh Rue.

She reluctantly drags herself to the platform with the 'encouragement' of her peers.

"I don't. don't. I can't think of... So this. this summer? Yes." The teacher nods. I feel so bad for her, poor girl. She looks so anxious, I would be the same. "I was, um, with my mom, and my, uh, my little sister, and we were listening to this... this song." I helplessly watch as Bennet begins to tear up. Gosh I can't watch this, why isn't the teacher doing anything?

"I'm done." She choked on her words as she ran off the stage. My heart breaks hearing her suppressed sobs as she exits the room.

I waited for a few seconds to see if anyone's going to go check on her... but no one did.

"Fine, I'll go do it then." I mutter under my breath as I run in the direction of the distressed girl.

RUES POV *♦̮̑ɜܓ*‎
I crush my stash on the toilet seat holder and roll up a dollar bill. I fucking hate this school. Someone knocks on my stalls door. "Fuck." I mutter as I blow away the substance swiftly and flush my clear bag down the toilet.

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