𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓

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Maddy drove me to her house and convinced me to stay the night. Dad wasn't too thrilled because it's a school night, but he agreed since he thinks highly of her.

"Girl you need to be less understanding when it comes to people screwing you over. What Rue did to you was cunty."

"Cunty." I repeat, tasting the word on my tongue. "I really like that word."

"Yeah but still, you gotta listen to me. I know you guys were really tight but she isn't good for you now."

I nod, understanding her perspective, but knowing Rue wasn't in the right headspace when she got mad at me. I caught her out at a shit time.

"You know me enough to know that I'm not usually so forgiving. I don't like to let people walk on me... but that was different."

"Because you guys were friends or because you used to have a crush on her and it's lingered a little and now she's doing drugs like your brother?"

"What!" I instantly replied. That kind of sting that she would bring my brother up like that... but she isn't wrong I guess.

"Come on Jo I know you more than your dad knows you. You had a fat crush on Rue Bennett before you left." A long pause of silence fills the room.

"Ok maybe I did a little bit but..."

"Bitch I knew it!" She says shaking my arm. "So are you Bi?"

"Pan I think. I like the person, not the gender. But I think it's best not to label it."

"Aww that's sweet. Very you." She hugs me. "Wait until BB and Cassie find out. They gonna be crushing"

RUES POV *♦̮̑ɜܓ*‎
For the past week all that has been on my mind is how I blew up at Jo. I'm an absolute idiot. She didn't deserve that... she didn't do anything but try and help me.

My thoughts are interrupted by Mom opening my bedroom door. "Mom I told you to knock!" I snarled.

She ignored my statement. "Be out in five, you have your NA." I roll my eyes and flop onto my bed.


It's been a pretty short session at NA. Just one more monthly wrap up story to go.

The last person approaches the front of the room. I can tell he's not sober from his slouched posture and the way he's dragging his feet. He looks around Fez's age and has shaggy, blonde-ish hair and brown eyes.

Hey, I sold that guy drugs a week ago.

"I um... I'm Jesse." The boy draws out his words. "And I'm a recovering alcoholic. I just moved here and I, I wanna change y-know. I've been a real bad person to my sister lately and pushing her away and yelling at her, but she never gets annoyed. Not even one damn bit of frustration is ever with her. So I wanna be better for- for her because I know she can't see me like this no more. I'm even staying at my friends house because I know I'm a burden on her and yeah."

My heart breaks at the fact that he's still not sober. He seems like he has a really good support system and I guess I can relate a bit.

We finally finish with our dismissal and I speed walk towards the exit to unexpectedly meet eyes with Josette. She looks at me with a warm smile... the kind of smile that makes you melt and feel right at home. "Josette." I grab her hand and pull her aside, not considering why she's even here.

"I know you hate me right now but can we please talk. Please." I beg, hopeful.

"Rue I don't hate you." My knees go weak at her saying my name so innocently. "But I really have to- Wait, Jesse!" She yells at a boy walking away from the church. And then it clicks. Why she's so understanding about me being an ass, why she's here and why she doesn't hate me. She's the loving sister... and I sold her brother drugs. I feel so fucking guilty.

"I'm so sorry Rue I really got to go. I'm sorry." The girl rushes her words before running towards her older brother. My eyes stay trained on her as I listen to their conversation.

I hear her asking if she's allowed to hug him, which he says no to and she tells him that's okay. She asks him if he wants to come home yet and he shakes his head. Fuck, she's such a pure soul.

"I set up your room... you should come see it." She pleads to the boy in front of her.

"Where'd you find the time to set up two rooms in one day?" He questions.

"I didn't Jes, I only set up yours." She smiles, her lips downturned. That's got to be the sweetest thing ever.

"Don't call me fucking Jes, I'm sick of your bullshit!" He pokes his finger into her chest. My heart shatters at that. Should I go step in? I really want to I just don't know if its my place.

"I'm sorry. Just please come home, Dad misses you and I do too."

"Sorry bean." Jesse says, leaning down to hug her." He walks away from her into the distance. She watches him for a few seconds before walking the other way. She looks so defeated I-

"Lets go Rue." Gia runs up to me. I look around once more for the girl with a warm smile, but she's gone.

I know what I have to do.

A/N so there's a little insight on Josettes family
What's Rue gonna do??
I hope you have an amazing day, thank you so much for reading x
-Ellie xoxo

A/N so there's a little insight on Josettes familyWhat's Rue gonna do??I hope you have an amazing day, thank you so much for reading x-Ellie xoxo

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