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Jordan and Sam woke up to a banging on the door. Jordan grumbled and got up. Sam groaned and stayed there. Jordan nudged Sam and kissed his head. "Time to get up." Jordan said and walked to the front door. She opened it and saw Stephen. His eyes were filled with tears and he had a worried look on his face. "We need your help." Stephen said. "Why my help?" Jordan asked. "You've got the strongest nose out of all of us!" Stephen said. "Okay, why do you need my nose?" Jordan asked. "Well uhm." Stephen looked at the ground. "Damon's dead and we can't find Scarlet." Stephen mumbled. "Damon's dead." Jordan chocked on the words. Stephen nodded and Jordan felt tears down her face. Her brothers dead. She barely even knew him. "We need you to find Scarlet." Stephen said. Jordan nodded and Sam walked up. "I'll meet you in ten minutes at the small park." Jordan said and shut the door. She turned to Sam and cried into his chest. Sam pulled her close and kissed her forehead. "Shhhhh, it's okay, it's gonna be okay." Sam whispered. Jordan cried into his chest for minutes until Sam pulled her away a little and kneeled down to her. "Can you tell me what happened?" Sam asked. "D-Damon is d-d-dead." Jordan stuttered and hugged Sam. She cried into his shoulder and he picked her up. She set her on the couch and sat next to her. "I'm sorry." Sam said. Jordan wiped the tears away and leaned on him. "They c-can't find S-scarlet." Jordan whispered through tears. Sam pulled her close and brushed the side of her head. "We'll find her, don't worry." Sam whispered and kissed her head. Jordan nodded and got up. She walked to her room and brushed her hair. She walked out and opened the front door. Sam was dressed and he followed her outside. They walked about a mile to a small park in the little town. Stephen and Dean were sitting on a park bench. Stephen had his face in the palm of his hands and barely looked up when Sam and Jordan walked up. "C'mon! We have to find her!" Jordan exclaimed and started running into the woods. Dean got up in front of her and said "wait we need to-" but he was cut off by Jordan jumping over him and hearing the snaps and crunches of bones. Dean frowned, Sam's eyes were widened and Stephen smiled. Dean turned around slowly and saw a auburn colored wolf standing there. It was about the size to Sam's waist and it's eyes almost glowed a light color brown. Dean stepped back a little and the wolf whined. Stephen walked over and stood next to the wolf. It was Jordan. Jordan and Stephen turned around and ran into the woods. Dean looked at Sam. "Your girlfriend is a werewolf?" Dean asked Sam. "Yes she is." Sam said. "Did you know that?" Dean asked. "Yea, she told me the day before yesterday." Sam said. "Oh." Dean mumbled. They sat down and waited.

Jordan and Stephen ran through the woods. Jordan picked up Scarlet's scent and followed it. Stephen followed her. Jordan skidded to a stop at the old Salvatore mansion. "She's in the Salvatore mansion?" Stephen asked. Jordan barked and nodded. They walked into it and Scarlet was crying on the floor. Jordan ran to Scarlet and nudged her with her snout. Scarlet sniffed and brushed Jordan away. Jordan whined and laid down in front of her. Scarlet looked up and screamed a little. She scooted away from Jordan and backed into a wall. Jordan put her head between her paws and looked at Scarlet with puppy dog eyes. Scarlet relaxed but kept crying over her lose. Jordan got up and sat next to Scarlet. Scarlet hugged Jordan and cried into her fur. Jordan wrapped her head around Scarlet and cried as well. Stephen waked over and sat on the other side of Scarlet. "I'm sorry Scarlet." Stephen said hugging her. She cried into Jordan's fur and sobbed. "I-I want him back." After a couple minutes, Stephen got up. "C'mon, let's head back." Stephen said. Scarlet shook her head. Stephen sighed and picked her up bridal style. Scarlet buried her head into his shoulder and cried even more. Jordan got up and followed them out. They walked back to the park and Stephen set Scarlet down. Scarlet cried into her hands. Jordan walked over by Sam and sat down. "C'mon, let's go to your house." Stephen said to Scarlet. Scarlet nodded and got up. They walked off leaving Sam, Dean and Jordan.

Sam kneeled down to Jordan. Jordan looked away and whined. Sam smiled and pulled her head so she could see him. "I still love you, no matter what." Sam whispered and kissed her snout. Jordan wagged her tail and licked Sam's face. Sam chuckled and got up. Jordan ran to Dean and sat down in front of him. Dean stepped back a little. Jordan wagged her tail and barked. Dean crossed his arms and looked away. Jordan got right beside Dean's leg and leaned on them. Dean frowned and looked at Jordan. She smiled a wolf type smile. Dean rolled his eyes and smirked. He patted Jordan's head and she purred. Dean left after that to his hotel room leaving Sam and Jordan. Sam and Jordan then walked to Jordan's house.

Scarlet ran to her room and laid down on the bed. She buried her face into the pillow and cried. Stephen sat beside her and rubbed her back. "It's gonna be okay, just get some rest." Stephen said. "I want Damon to rest with me." Scarlet sobbed from her pillow. Stephen sighed and gave her a hug. He let go and patted her back. "Just get some rest please, I'll be sleeping on the couch if you need anything." Stephen said. Scarlet nodded and crawled under the covers. Stephen got up and closed the door behind him. Scarlet cried herself to sleep, not knowing what comes next. Just then her collarbone started to burn. The Necklace. It was burning her. "STEPHEN!! HELP."

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