First Night, First Meeting

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"Okay, Freddy. What did you call us for?" Roxy asked him. The bear had called the other three animatronics to meet him in his dressing room. Freddy had kept the curtains closed over the large glass window for some reason, and his usually optimistic and cheerful face was more nervous and anxious this night.

"Well, I need to tell you all something" Freddy said. "You say that like you committed a crime," Chica pointed out. "Gasp! You know how our boss thinks about tax fraud!!". "Did you literally say gasp?" Monty asked her. "Yeah, so what?" she replied. "No,I didn't commit tax fraud!" Freddy told her. "Or any crime. We aren't programmed to do that". "Then what is it?" Roxy asked him. "Come on! I'm getting impatient here!!".

Freddy nodded, and his cake hatch opened up. "You can come out now, kid". A small boy sat crouching in his hollow stomach, dark brown eyes looking anxiously up at them. "This is Gregory-". "HOLY SHIT- Why is there a child here!?" Roxy shouted, jumping up from where she sat. "Roxy! Language!" Chica told her, then turned back to Freddy. "How did he get here??". "He said he's being chased by Vanessa, and hid in my chest cavity for safety" Freddy replied. "We tried to reach the exit in time, but....."

"How does he manage to fit in there?" Monty asked. "He isn't as big as a piñata or cake". "I crouch," Gregory replied back, still hunched in his chest cavity. "You know you can come out of there now," Freddy told him. "They won't hurt you, I promise". Gregory slowly nodded, though reluctantly, and slowly got out. "I thought we could take care of him for the night, and then return him to his parents in the morning" Freddy suggested to the group. "So! Any questions?".

"Can't we just tell the night guard there's a kid in the pizzaplex?" Chica suggested. "I told you, she's trying to hurt me," Gregory told them. "We can't trust her". "Why is she after you, little guy?" Monty asked him. Gregory blinked back tears, but quietly responded. "I don't know".

Month nodded. "I mean, we've taken care of lost kids before," he said. "We can take care of a lost kid for a night". "Yeah! We have to make sure we feed him though!" Chica said. "How old are you, Gregory?". "I'm ten" Gregory replied. "No offense, but you're like, really small for your age" Roxy told him. "Exactly the reason why we need to feed him!" Chica said. "Do your parents feed you often?". Gregory hesitated for a moment, before replying by a solemn shake of the head.

"Then more of a reason to give you food!!" Chica said. "We've got tons of pizza and soda that will last a few hours!". "And we can show him around a while!" Roxy grinned. "Been meaning to get an audience for my racecar driving for a while". "We'll have to stay careful though" Freddy told them. "Gregory will stay with me in the stomach hatch if we ever have to exit my room". "Eh, fair enough" Monty scoffed. "You think the idea is good, little guy?". Gregory nodded. "I think it'll be great".

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A few hours had passed since Gregory's arrival. The animatronics showed him around, gave him some snacks and candy, and gave him special access to some secret places. Of course, Vanessa told them that they had to search around for a missing boy, but they held onto Gregory tight.

Of course, the boy had to go home, and the animatronics had to return him to his parents and home. "Are you excited to go back, rockstar?" Freddy asked Gregory, who was currently collecting up a shirt he found on the ground. "Huh? Oh-Uh- Yeah...".

They arrived at the open doors. Luckily, Vanessa, the rabbit lady, or any security bots weren't too nearby. "Well, our night ends here, Gregory" Freddy told him. They stood outside of the doors. "I don't think it'll be safe for you to come back here when Vanessa is still around" Freddy told him. "So I don't recommend you come back". "We'll always remember you, though!" Chica told him, supportively patting the boy on the head. "Yeah. You really brightened our night for us, little man" Roxy grinned. "Promise us you won't forget us either," Monty told him. "This isn't a crazy acid dream, if you were wondering".

Gregory looked down at the ground to hide his tears, then back up at the animatronics. "Thank you, everyone" he told them. "For taking care of me". He turned to go through the doors, but hesitated. "I lied to you guys".

"What do you mean, Gregory?" Freddy asked him. "About my parents. And my home". Gregory wiped away a tear, which stained the floor. "I don't have any mom, or dad, or friends, or home. I live on the streets, and I don't have any food or money. But the pizzaplex had food". The animatronics were shocked at the news. "Then, where are you supposed to go?" Monty asked him. "The streets ain't a good place to call home".

Gregory turned over to them. "Why can't I stay here?". The animatronics all looked at eachother. "I mean, we are good parents" Roxy said. "And we do have enough food to feed this child with," Chica said. "And Vanessa's the only one who's actually after Gregory, and even she takes breaks or days off" Monty said.

Freddy smiled and chuckled. "Well, I guess we can take you in". Gregory's eyes immediately lit up like the lights in the pizzaplex, but brighter. You could see the joy and happiness in his eyes, unlike the artificial colours in the neon lights above. He immediately hugged Freddy. "Thank you, Freddy. Thank you all so much". "We'll protect you, superstar" Freddy told him. "We promise". "Awww! Group hug!!" Chica squealed. Everyone immediately joined the hug, just one massive heap of metal animals and their human adopted child.

"I really love you all, but I think you forgot that my human ribs can't really stand being flattened by metal".

"Oh, sorry"

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Basically, this chapter basically introduces how and why Gregory met the glamrock gang. And why he's staying with them.
Also, feel free to request scenarios for me to write about!

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