𝐆𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐎𝐧𝐜𝐞-𝑻𝑷𝑵

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<The first night of the celebration, Cinderella danced with the prince without a care in the world, but of course, midnight will always come>


"Genny, do you really have to go?"

I just wish her new family wanted 2 children, I would have volunteered.

"I'm sorry Y/n, I really have to go, i'll send letters tho!"


"Everyone says that, and nothing ever comes..."

Did everyone forget about me? Us?

"...Well Y/n, i'll keep no promises, but as long as I can, i'll write to you!"

Her smile... Older sister really is an angel.

I wipe the tears from my eyes.

I shouldn't ruin this day for her.

"Mm, i'll never forget about you sister"

I never will.



Oh no! I should bring this back to her.

"Ah! The gate's light is still on! I still have some time!"


"79182, I have an offer for you."

Who's that woman? What's going on?

My stomach dropped after seeing the next figure.

W-what a-are those?

One of the monsters hand the lady a white flower.

"Become a mom, survive and strive to become the best."

A mom? What?

"Produce the best merchandise and make use of those special skills of yours. We can't let a talent go to such waste!"

She hands her the flower, Genny grabs it and stares for a second or so.


"You are different from those cattle children. So choose, Guenivere."

Cattle children? Monsters? Don't tell me.

Is this place a farm?

"Survive as a mom, or die as cattle?"

I cover my mouth.

No no no! This can't be happening-

Guenivere! What is she-

"I've made my choice ma'am."

Older... Sister?

"I want to Survive."

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