Ch 5

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"I'll go back into hiding again." Riku said without any hesitations.

"W-wait! We can help you so-"

"Sorry, Sogo-san. I'm not going to risk any of you guys get hurt again because of my problems. Please don't tell anyone about this." Riku begged. "When I come back, I'll make sure that everyone else remembers me, so wait for me till then, okay? By then, I'll safely be about to return to IDOLiSH7."

"When will you be back?" Nagi frowned, worried for his dear friend.

"I guess when you're less expecting it, I guess. We'll stay in touch, I promised!" Riku pound his fist determinedly. "For the last time in a long while... can we sing together?"

Everyone excepted Riku's request. Even though the three I7 members are in different sub-units, and Minami being in another idol group, the four still did their best and improvised the line distributions. They had fun singing and messing around, hours felt like minutes. They were lost in their own world until a knock on the door was heard.

"Sogo-san? Nagi-san?" Tsumugi's voice called out from the other side.

"Manager-san?" Riku though in surprise. "Come in."

When Tsumugi walked into the room, she held her head in pain.


"E-eh?! You remember me?" Riku exclaimed in shock.

"I heard your singing voice from outside... and... it all came back to me!" Tsumugi explained.

"I see... well, I guess Otoharu-san could explain the situation to you." Riku sheepishly replied. He had finished explaining to the three others so it was a pain to retell the whole story. "Umm... I'm getting discharged later today so can I see the others one last time before I leave?"

"Of course! You're a member of IDOLiSH7 after all." Tsumugi replied.


As they arrived at the room, the other 4 are still unconscious and badly injured. Riku stared at them with eyes so sad, and grasped his hands together.

"Riku-kun...?" Sogo was about to ask something but was cut off my Minami.

"Nanase-san's focusing on a spell. Most likely a healing one."

Green light flashed throughout the entire room, blinding them all. In a blink of an eye, everyone looked way better. Their faces changed from pain and agony to relaxed and comfortable.

Unnoticed to everyone, a hand twitched.

"Sorry, I could stand seeing them in a state like that. It's my fault they they got hurt so the most I could do is to heal them." Riku apologized. "They should be conscious latest by tomorrow. It really pains me that we'd be apart for a long time..."

"Riku. Whatever that may happen, we'll always be there for you. Even if the others doesn't remember you right now, I'm sure that a part of them will feel missing and empty. You'll always be our dear friend, Riku." Nagi said.

"Ahh... If you guys keep up with the talk, I might not be able to walk away..." Tears started forming from the side of Riku's eyes. "I'll miss you guys so much..."


"I guess it's goodbye for a while, huh?" At the entrance of the hospital, Minami, Sogo, Nagi, and Tsumugi are there to send off their friend.

"Don't ever hesitate is you need help, Riku-san. I'll always be there to support you if you need!" Tsumugi determinedly said, while trying not to let her tears fall. "And please, stay safe and take care of yourself!"

"Don't worry, manager. I promise I'll take a good care of myself." Riku promised.

"Nanase-san, if you ever need backup, I'll make sure I'll be there to protect you. It's my duty to protect you after all." Minami said.

"Riku-kun, I'll make sure your room will be sparkling clean! Not even a single dust will be found. I'll be patiently waiting for the day you return." Sogo smiled gently.

"Riku, IDOLiSH7's not completed without our dear center. That's why, we'll be welcoming you back anytime with open arms." Nagi hugged Riku.

The others joined in the hug too.

"Everyone..." Tears bursted out of Riku's eyes despite his effort to hold them back. "Please, take care of everyone for me while I'm gone."

The send off came to an end and Riku eventually left. It was sad to see him go, but they trust that he will return in one piece.

Minami left too, since there wasn't anything else he could do while the other three went back to the room to see a surprise.

"Y-yamato-san?!" Tsumugi exclaimed.

Yamato's sitting up in his bed as if nothing had happened. Sure he looked better but they didn't think that he would be conscious already.

"Yo. Have Onii-san been out for a long time? Where did you guys go?" Yamato asked casually.

"We stepped out for fresh air and some tea!" Sogo quickly thought up of a lie. "Sorry we didn't bring any for you, we didn't expect you to be awake already."

"Is that so..." Yamato stares at the three with suspicion in his eyes. Tsumugi and Nagi nodded their heads quickly, agreeing to the statement. "Hmm..."

Yamato's gaze was so strong that it felt like a hole was carving through them. I guess you really can't fool a professional actor, huh?

"Oh well." Yamato said. "I'd assume that all of our injuries would take longer to heal but we all look almost perfectly fine. Was Natsume here? I though I heard him when I was unconscious."

The three flinched. Did Yamato hear all their conversation while he was still unconscious? Just how much did he hear?

"I heard someone else too... Riku-kun... Nanase-san...?" Yamato tried to recall what he heard, though his head started to hurt.

"You must've been imagining it, Yamato-san. Take it easy. You're still recovering after all." Tsumugi said, trying to steer the conversation in another direction.

Runaway Prince {IDOLiSH7 fanfic} -Discontinued/will be rewritten-Where stories live. Discover now