Introduction II

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Name: Max Thunderman 

Age: 17 

Eyes: Burnt Umber

Hight: 5'11

Race: Caucasian 

Hair: Brunette

Powers: Telekinesis, heat breath, freeze breath

Personality: Max Thunderman is a sassy and mischievous boy. He enjoys causing trouble rather than curing it. Through the many walls he has erected, Max is insecure and afraid. This is the root of his evilness and fear of failure.  


Max was born and raised in Metroburg. He attended SuperHero School where he could learn about the history of heroes and villains and learn to hone his powers. There, he caused mischief and mayhem. Choosing to retire from their saving ways, Max's parents Barb and Hank Thunderman moved to Hiddenville, a rural town when Max was 15. He must learn to hide his powers while still honing them, along with his sister Phoebe, Nora, Chloe and his brother Billy. 

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