Chapter 115: The Black Death

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The training went smoothly, both squad barely did any mistakes, it was night and was almost lights out, Y/N walking at the forest alone for night sentry duty, was looking at his surrounding to make sure that no one was following him, reaching the forest, he saw the tree where he would always climb to during training, standing there, he put on his hidden blade and took out his jacket, and parkour from tree to tree, reaching in the town area, he jumped below and walked into Trost under the cover of darkness, sneaking back into Mrs. Jaeger house, Y/N sneakily enters his room and immediately went into the hidden room.

Y/N: Hmm.... *looks at his future assassin robes* it's not ready yet, one day Y/N... one day *wore his first assassin robes*

Y/N came out his room and snuck into Mrs

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Y/N came out his room and snuck into Mrs. Jaeger's room, when he entered, Mrs. Jaeger was already asleep. Y/N approached her, lowering his mask, he gave her a soft kiss to her forehead, Mrs. Jaeger a smile and seemed to relax more, Y/N jumps out the window and land on his feet.

Y/N: This is going to be a long night, but *shoots both hidden blade out* a red night.

Y/N ran towards a horse tied up at the garrison building in Trost and rode it straight to Ehrmich District, galloping into the gate of Ehrmich, he left the horse in the open to be checked by the garrisons protecting the wall, not wanting to kill them, Y/N decided to take them out silently, when he saw two garrison checking up on the horse, he ran forward to one garrison and kicked the back on his leg, putting the soldier on his knees and punched the back of his head, making him collapsed onto the floor, his partner, a woman familiar, heard the fight and was not taking any chances and shot her ODM up but Y/N, feeling the ODM shot before it even happened jumped onto the horse and jumped again to grab the soldier and pulled her down making her dropped unto the floor. 

Rico: Hel- mmmm! 

Y/N grabbed Rico into a headlock and strangling her, not wanting to blow his cover, he just continue choking her more, as she slowly lose consciousness, Y/N lets her go and she pass out.

Y/N: Sorry Rico *took her flare* Let me borrow that *shot to the sky and drop the flare next to her*

Cadets were running out, using his cover of darkness, as the cadets ran to check on the two garrisons, Y/N ran in immediately, almost being spotted, he jumped into a stack of leaves left on the ground and closed his eyed to feel the footsteps near him. Y/N spending a good 10 minutes in the leave stack, he jumped out and punched a passerby by accident and he passed out after one strike

Y/N: How did I not feel him? *look at him properly and whispers loudly* Mason?!

Random MP #1: Lieutenant? Sir? 

Y/N: *imitating Mason* Shut the fuck up....

Random MP #1: Jeez, sorry sir, I forgot about the silence, I'll leave you be *walks the other direction*

Y/N: Silence...  Oskar, that is your thing isn't it? Thank you random MP... 

Y/N climbed up to a nearby building, closes his eyes and uses his Prediction to feel footsteps, breathing, twitching of anyone to see if the nerve senses match the target.

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