Chapter 133: The Food

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It was cold morning at the forest, the trees rustling from a blow from the wind, onto the trees that have stood for a millennia. As a leaf falls down from the tree it flew pass a marking on a tree, a distinct mark that is known to many soldiers in the past, as the leaf gently settles on the floor, the sound of wind stops and the trees were still as it can be...

Shadow: SON OF A BITCH!!! *flew and hits the tree and fell to his knees* Confucamus...

Shadow charged forward before dodging a swing from an enemy by doing a knee slide, turning around he took out a small knife. Doing a small twirl, he threw it to the enemy, it was able to deflect the knife off and Shadow ran and Sparta kicks the enemy,  losing it's balance, they were then able to regain the fair fight, the enemy charges towards Shadow, to which Shadow did Annie's fighting pose, which was actually, Shadow's pose that Annie borrowed during her time undercover.

Shadow: Gotcha

Shadow was able to catch the enemy in the position that he hoped the enemy did, with a quick step, he was able to knock the enemy down before twirling again and kick it square in the face. Picking up the knife he threw, he wasted no time and slowly stab it's heart while telling the enemy to "shhhhh".

Shadow: I feel like I stole that from somewhere

Y/N: Well war happened for a very long time, people may copy without knowing *walks in and waves his hand to make the enemy disappear* Nice work, killed all the enemy at that the same time left your weapons far back there

Shadow: Hey buzz off you would have done the same

Y/N: At least those aren't MY weapons, just the ones I "borrowed"

Shadow: How's Mikasa? 

Y/N: She's well *tried to show how far her belly is* She's at the point where she can smell a fart before it happens

Shadow: You sure it's not her phantom?

Y/N: Yeah heh, the only non-L/N to have attributes, can you believe that?

Shadow: I mean yeah we can..m Eden existed and gave us our power

Y/N: Right right right yeah

Shadow: You sound exhausted dear uncle

Y/N: Heh, understatement of... the year... *walks to the tree*

Shadow: You alright mate?

Y/N: This tree *touches the tree* Have seen better days 

Shadow: What, is one of the attributes, tree hugging?

Y/N: As the matter of fact, there are a lot of attributes that I have yet to uncover

Shadow: Hmmmmmm-

Y/N: No I am not making a clone of me that you can fuck

Shadow: What the- Ew gross no! I was thinking maybe you can make new things, like animals and shit, man, you're really disgusting

Y/N: Flashback, I DID killed Magath by ripping his head and spin off his body

Shadow: Yes yes yeah yeah yeah

Y/N was staring deeply into the tree and he remembers his past, during the first sightings of the Black Death. He smiled a little remembering how much he had went through with the 103rd Cadet Corps

Shadow: Reminiscing? Y/N?

Y/N: Hm? Oh, yeah... *looks behind to the abandoned guard post* Reminiscing *inhales and closes his*





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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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