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It was another night, and the Chwe's and the Han's were gathered in the Chwe residence to have dinner together.

There wasn't actually any special occasion, just a small get together between the two family friends, but they always made it a tradition to dress up nicely even though they're as close to each other as actual relatives. So Miyu was in a pretty dress, a pretty white dress with a black ribbon tied around her waist.

It's quite unexpected if you think about it, that someone as reckless, rash, and boyish as Han Miyu would enjoy dressing herself up, but then again stereotypes are rare these days.

"Good evening to you too, Mr. Chwe." Miyu had replied brightly with a polite smile at the kind man's greeting. "Is Sofia in today?"

By this point, Sofia was already almost 12, meaning she's at the age when she'd begin to go out with her friends and stuff. Which is why Miyu rarely sees the younger girl these days.

Mr. Chwe sent a sympathetic smile along with his shake of the head. "Sorry, another sleepover." He explained shortly.

Miyu only nodded, not really that disappointed since she can see her another time, whenever, really.

"Hansol is though, you can go to his room." He told with a smile, to which Miyu sent one back with a nod.

Having lived next to the Chwe's for so long, of course Miyu had automatically memorized which room is Hansol's in the house. Not to mention the fact that his room is exactly right across from hers, and their bedroom windows face each other.

And even as each other's frenemy, Miyu still had manners, so she knocked on the door before anything else.

"Occupied." Came the response.

She rolled her eyes at his lame attempt of a joke and opened the door.

Turning to her, he chuckled shortly. "I knew it'd be you." He said.

She only stuck her tongue at him in response. Without another word, she walked over to his bed and plopped on it, ignoring his annoyed whine in the process. She made herself comfortable by hugging his tiger plushie, and to be honest, he should be used with this by now since she does it everytime she comes over.

"What are you doing?" She asked, peeking at the boy who was sitting and typing on his laptop.

"Our history essay." He replied shortly.

She scoffed. "Nerd."





Hansol snorted in amusement, shaking his head silently.

Miyu soon found herself amused by the small gameboy she grabbed from his shelf, while Hansol continued writing his history homework. She had noticed he was already dressed as well, in a white button up and black jeans. They almost look like a couple now.

She scrunched her nose at the thought. Ew.

In a sudden move, Hansol threw something at her. "Catch." He said, but it wasn't effective since the object landed right on Miyu's nose.

Sending an annoyed glare at him, she took it with her hand and inspected it. It was a Hershey's kiss.

"Is this supposed to be my dinner?" She joked, but removed the wrapper and ate it up anyway.

He rolled his eyes at her lame joke. "If you want it to be." He shot back, jumping back when she slapped his arm in response. "It's to wait until dinner's ready."

"Thanks, prickface."

He only rolled his eyes at her response.

Miyu was only at level four of her Super Mario gameplay and Hansol was almost halfway through his essay when they heard Miyu's mom's voice calling faintly that dinner was ready. So they both exited his room and-- with constant slapping, pushing, and name calling- they rushed down the stairs towards the dining room.

The two families fell into small chatter, and somehow, of course, the topic fell into academics, the topic Miyu hated the most.

"Hansol is such a bright child, I'm sure you don't worry even a bit about where he's going." Mrs. Han flattered, fondly smiling at Hansol who smiled back politely. "He can definitely get into whatever university he wants."

Mr. Chwe waved off her compliment in a humble manner, though his pride was understandably swelling.

"Our daughter on the other hand." Mrs. Han silently peeked at Miyu, who was already on her second portion of ribs.

Feeling all eyes on the table shift to her, Yoora paused mid-bite. "What?" She asked, mouthful of meat blocking her voice.

Mrs. Han slapped her daughter's elbow with a click of her tongue, making her whine childishly.

Chuckling slightly, Mr. Han decided to shift the topic as he placed a piece of meat on Miyu's bowl of rice. "Anyways, has Hansol decided on where to go yet? It's already you and Miyu's last year of high school, it's best to be prepared on what's next."

Mr. Chwe looked at his son for answers, and Hansol got deep in thought before answering. "Um, I'm currently looking at either Yuro or Hansei, but the course I'm aiming for is definitely IT." He explained with a smile.

His father smiled in relief, then turned to the opposing family in front of him. "How about Miyu? Has she got any plans yet?"

The girl was just about to open her mouth and explain her thoughts when her mother interrupted her.

"She's definitely aiming for Law at Yonghwa University, it's definitely well suited for her." Mrs. Han explained, grinning sweetly as the adults in the table nodded and chuckled.

Miyu wasn't amused though. She sat back and glared at her mother, pouting sulkily as she placed another spoonful of rice in her mouth.

She hadn't realized Hansol noticed the fact until after dinner, when both of them were in the balcony, waiting for the parents to finish washing dishes.

"That's not what you want, is it?" He had asked.

Not knowing what he was referencing, Miyu paused and turned to him with furrowed brows. "What is?" She asked.

"Yonghwa. Law." Hansol mentioned shortly, as if not in the mood to elaborate fully. "It's not what you want."

Miyu scoffed, then groaned as she leaned back against the railing. "I hate that you keep reading me like that." She mumbled.

He chuckled, watching the street lamps flicker under his house's figure. "We've known eachother for more than a decade, don't think I haven't picked up on your little schemes." He teased, flicking her nose.

"Ow, you bitch." She slapped his back, holding her nose. Miyu then sighed. "She's always doing things like this, controlling whatever I do. Like damn, just say I'm a disappointment and go."

Hansol chuckled. "Can't disagree with that." That recieved him another slap.

She sighed. "But seriously, what do you think I should do?" Miyu asked, looking up at him with a pouty frown.

He looked down at her silently, holding her gaze without a hint of emotion. After a while of silence, he pushed down her head to face away from him. "Why the hell are you asking me that? Figure it out yourself, Madcap." He mumbled.

"Urgh! Just when I thought you could finally be useful." She groaned, slapping his body continuously. Hansol only laughed as they walked out from the balcony.

That night, when she and her family finally got home and rest, Miyu recieved a text from Hansol.

Just don't think, do whatever your heart tells you to do. She might just be looking out for you, but she can never erase the fact you have your own thoughts and passion.

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