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It took several attempts for two of them to convince Miyu out the door, but after a while, she decided to be a good sport and finally exited the room. Not without a few sighs though.

Arriving to where she knew the generator and electric box would be, she began to look around. "Chewchew?" She called out calmly, squinting as it was too dark to see. "Chewie, where are you?"

Miyu began to inspect the shelves in the garage instead, seeing all kinds of tools and woodworks. She assumed they were by Mr. Chwe, because she knew he was a man who had hobbied woodworking.

As she was turning a corner, Miyu felt a presence behind her when-

"Argh!" Hansol growled out to surprise her.

But it was to no avail. She only bared a blank expression as she gazed at the boy with a look that said, 'really?'.

He sighed. "To be fair, I was hoping you'd be Seungkwan."

Chuckling, Miyu slapped his shoulder. "Dumbass. But I know what you mean." She nodded slightly. "Now let's find the generator."

It was still raining hard outside, and although the sound was a bit muffled since they were half-underground, they could still hear it through the small window at the top of one of the walls.

"Found it." Hansol mumbled and went around one of the shelves to the aisle nearest to the outside. Miyu followed behind.

As he began to work to restore the electricity, Miyu found herself shifting her attention out the window. She could see the floor on the outside getting wet in rain, and it looked like it wasn't slowing down anytime soon. Then a bright shine of light came, and everything happened quickly after that.

Lightning shone outside. The lights turned on. Thunder clapped in an intimidating volume. Miyu jumped back in fear and pushed against Hansol's back in the process. He felt his head hit one of the shelves.

The pain wasn't bad, but his focus was shifted more on the girl behind him, as he knew thunder was one of her fears. He turned around, holding an arm around one of her shoulders as she cowered back and covered both her ears.

"Woah, you okay?" He asked, lowering his head to look at her.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." She told, then shifted her gaze to meet his. Her eyes widened as she pointed at his face. "You're hurt!"

Hansol held his hand up to his right eyebrow, eyes widening when he saw blood on his finger. It was a small cut, but Yoora was looking at him as if he was beheaded.

"Shit, I'm so sorry! I'll treat it for you." She exclaimed.

Before he could get a word out on how he's fine and a-okay, Hansol felt himself getting pulled upstairs, into the living room. Having gotten hurt a few dozen times in the house before, Miyu knew where the first aid kit was and grabbed it.

She first wiped off the blood from atop his eyebrows, then with cotton, smeared lightly the antibiotic needed to stop any infection. It actually stings, but Hansol managed to keep his expression straight as to not disturb Miyu.

"So, thunder, ey?"

She scoffed. "Shut up, you know that already." She mumbled with furrowed eyebrows.

Hansol chuckled. "Yeah, I just want to rub it in." He mused.

"I swear, Choi Hansol, you better not forget I have a tweezer in my hand that I could use to stab you in the eye." She threatened, but couldn't keep in the smile that was trying to jump out on her lips. She was admittedly relieved he could still joke around with her.

He only hummed in response. "But seriously, are you okay though?" He asked in concern masked with casual curiosity.

"Yeah, I am. I should be asking you that." She chuckled, nodding towards his bloody eyebrow. She placed a bandaid gently on the scar. "But at least you got a badass scar over it."

"That's what I was about to say." He told, smiling in amusement.

She chuckled, closing the first aid kit to put it aside. As she stood up, she turned towards him with pursed lips. "But really, I'm sorry though." She told.

He scoffed, waving her apology off. "It's not a big deal. It's not like you did it on purpose." He then jokingly paused. "Or did you?"

This time, she was the one who scoffed. "How did you know?" She jokingly gasped in horror, which made him laugh slightly. She rolled her eyes with a smile, then nudged her shoulder at him. "Now come on, the others are probably waiting for us."

He nodded and got up, and the two of them walked back into his room.

"Maybe next time if you want to scare me, you should dress up like a cloud."

"Oh, shut it, Madcap."

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