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Once upon a time, were once 2 species that lived on and ruler over the the surface. Monsters and Humans. They were originally at peace with each other, but one day, they were then at war with each other for reason that are not entirely understood. It was a long battle that lasted for only the gods know how long it had taken, but after a very long war, the humans won, and the monsters, that escaped into the large amount Ebott, have been sealed off by the powerful magic of the humans. The monsters were than sealed off from the last outside world, and it would seem that the hope of the monsters of staying at the surface was ripped away from them.

But after many years of staying inside of Mount Ebott..something unexpected happened. In one faithful day, a human, going by the name of Chara, had ran from their home, and fell into the Mountain, and became the first human to have fallen down into Mount Ebott. And when she did, a Monster Prince, named Asriel, had found them. With kindness that had made Chara smile, they were adopted into the family of the Dreemurrs, which were both king and queen of the Underground. They were a happy family. But alas, that happiness would not last forever, and would soon be ripped away. In one tragic day, one sad event, Chara had died from an unknown poison, and Asriel absorbed her soul, and carried their body to the outside. But the Villagers within the human world thought that the prince of the monsters killed the human, and because of that, attacked him. And when that happened, Asriel fled, lethally wounded, and had died, a death that everyone had heard of.

When that happened, Asgore, the King of the Monsters, made a promise to free the monsters by absorbing 7 human souls, in order to break free from the barrier, and while he did wanted revenge against the humans, at first, he soon began to realize that there would be nothing to gain from killing them, as he knows that revenge will not bring his son back. But as he made a solemn vow towards his subjects, he cannot back out of it, and will do it in order to give hope to all of Monsterkind, which made the Queen of the Monsters, Toriel, flee from her kingdom in disgust, at what her husband, her very own husband, had promised.

And so, the promise was staring to be fulfilled. Over the years, six humans fell down from the Mountain, and when they fought the kind, or by staying in a place for way too long, they would be killed by the king. More and more human souls are put into capsules, in order to perverse the human souls so that they do not be destroyed and shatter. The Six Human Soils were the Green Soul, Kindness, the Cyan Soul, Patience, the Purple Soul, Perseverance, the Yellow Soul, Justice, the Orange Soul, Bravery, and the Blue Soul, Integrity, with one more soul needed to bring forth the key to free all the Monsters that have been trapped inside of the Mountain for so many countless years. The hope of Monsterkind was growing closer and closer with each passing time, as they are waiting for one last key for the surface to become their home once again, with Asgore, the King of the Monsters, being the one that will give them this hope.

In the surface world of the humans, there came a legend that involves Mount Ebott. Legend has it that those that fall into the Mountain never come out again. Due to this legend, everyone believed in it and made sure to never ever go to Mount Ebott. But than...something else happened. Another human child, about the same age as Chara, named Frisk, fell down from the mountain, due to something that had happened to them in their live, and it was not a good one.

Once they fell down to the mountain, it was when their journey began that day. But her journey was not a pleasant one, as the corrupted soul of the first fallen one influenced their actions. Frisk, with the Red Soul, symbolizes Determination, and their soul allows them to reset time back to where they were at the beginning of their journey, as well as transfer their consciousness back in the past to avoid their own death, should they ever be killed in the first place. And their souls are of similar attributes to Chara, who also possesses a Determination soul. Due to this, Chara influenced Frisk's actions after they had done a Neutral Run, and made them do a Genocide Run. They killed countless monsters, and each death made Chara and Frisk stronger and stronger with every death they made for the monsters, with every LV they gained from them, every EXP they obtained. But this would later stop, when they met Sans, a skeleton monster, in the final corridor of the Judgement Hall, and Sans fought with everything he has. And this monster was the most toughest monster Frisk fought against. His powers are way to different from the others, and he can even break the rules of when it involves fighting, damaging Frisk even when she is trying to have a turn herself. But the fight was not to defeat Frisk, it was to get through with her. And get through with her, he did. He killed Frisk after tricking a mercy on her, but it was so that she can finally set things right in the end. And setting things right in the end, she did. And when she did a Neutral Run again, she fought against a soulless monster named Flowey, who has absorbed the 6 human souls, in order to become an all powerful god of the world that he lives in. But when Frisk spared Flowey, and Sans made the expectation that they were going to leave, Frisk did a choice that not even Sans expected. She stayed in the underground, and hoped to help Monsterkind get to the surface in another way. This made Sans be filled with hope, along with the monsters that Frisk had befriended for such a very long time. When that happened, Frisk became their Angel, their legendary hero, and Frsik grew up with Sans for 13 long years. And Sans...also grew in height, somehow, even though he was already in adult, and after Frisk grew up, Sans and Frisk married, and it was the happiest day of their lives, with Toriel arranging the marriage for them.

But...Flowey was not her done. Embitter, vengeful, and crazed at the fact that they have been defeated and be given mercy, he stole back the 6 human souls, and turned back into his ungodly form, killing Toriel and causing chaos to the Underground. But in his rampage, Flowey accidentally did something that he never realized he did. He tore a hole in time and space, which had the hole lead to the void, and a sickness began to emerge. This sickness infected the Monsters with an unyielding hunger, one that cannot he stopped, and they began to consume and devour one another, as their souls became infected with this strange virus. Their magic tried to get rid of this Hunger through their defense mechanism called the Weeping, but their own immune system was turned against them and invited more of the hunger inside of their very bodies.

Frisk and Sans enacted a plan, and Frisk used Toriel's soul to pass through the barrier, and goes back to the human world, in order to get help. But the plan didn't go as expected, and an evil human came and force himself on her, breaking her mind very badly. That terrible man got caught by the police for his troubles, and was executed for the horrendous crime that he did. But the damage was done. Her mind was broken by this sinful act, and she was placed in a mental asylum, in order to try and cure her of her delusions, all because of a Glitch that Flowey had made unintentionally.

But Frisk was gone for a long time, and hope was starting to become more and more lost, as the monsters began to consume more and more of their kind. The Monsters were driven to a gluttonous madness, as the sickness consumed their minds. But the Frisk escaped, Frisk was pregnant with Sans and child, and...when she gave birth to a daughter, Frisk died...along with the remaining hope that the monsters once had. And what is even that Sans...felt their death...and he had been infected by the Hunger himself. And he, along with his brother, Papyrus, suffered from the effects of the Hunger.

15 years have passed since the death of Frisk, and the legend of the mountain was still believed. Any that go into the mountain never comes back, and never returns from it.

But not all believe it to be true. There are 2 that do not believe in the legends that easily. And they are Aliza...the daughter of Frisk and Sans...and her male friend since her childhood, Samael. And that is where...a new hope will be born. One that will be infected by the Hunger within the Underground, within the cursed mountain.

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