Vanessa too & the bus ride home

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We met Vanessa at the bus stop after school. Nadia: "What's up?" Vanessa: "Are you two incontinent or is this by choice? Just curious." Nadia: "This is by choice, and also because I had wet the bed last week Friday." Vanessa lives near our farm, and it's not much of an ATV drive to get there. Their family also has a farm, and their house is on the far side of it. My family and hers have a square mile or so of farmland. Vanessa then told us to meet in her room with a few pull-ups. I knew what was coming.

Once we got on the bus (Me and Emma, Vanessa doesn't ride the bus) I had just finished my slushie from lunch. Today was a half-day so the bus came earlier than usual. When we got downtown, we took the elevated train to our next bus. Let's just hope we don't miss the bus. These buses and trains are very clean, so clean that I don't want to have an accident on one of them and ruin it. Our train won't come for another fifteen minutes. So Emma and I went into the main building's bathroom. We both needed to pee so badly that we just rushed in carelessly. A worker for the bus company caught us. He then chased us to the girl's bathroom until he realized what was happening. He then returned to his normal job.

In the bathroom, we yet again picked the big stall. We both leaned back against the wall and let it out. Man oh man that felt good. We then got changed into new pull-ups. I realized that I hadn't let it all out yet. But it wasn't much. I think I can hold it until home, or at least to the next bus.

We got on the train. Our usual spot on the train is right where the driver would sit as if that car was acting as the main motor. So we found our spot and waited for our stop. I got a text from Vanessa saying "Let's meet in the middle." We're the only ones that know what that means. It means to meet at her garage across the intersection from our property.

We got off the train to see that our bus was right there. We thought that we were gonna miss it but no. The bus operators (Operators not drivers) are required to wait until the train platform is clear of trains before they can depart. We got on the bus and sat in our normal seats in the back. There are three seats across facing in. I go on the left, Emma goes on the right. I sat down and set my backpack next to me. I don't think I can hold it anymore. I got Emma's attention and pointed at my pull-up. I had a scared face when I did that. Emma slowly nodded, so I let it out. It had leaked. Not on the bus though. Just in my sweatpants. Somebody else boarded the bus and gave me a weird look. I knew why.

I'm going to put a somewhat detailed map of my house compared to Vanessa's house at the end of this chapter.

When we got home, we were both surprised to see that our box had come. I'm not changing my pull-up because I kinda like it a bit mushy. Emma had peed when we were at home, but she didn't change either. I texted Vanessa saying that we would be a bit late. So we unpacked our new big box of pull-ups. I decided to give Vanessa half of one box. I think that's about 32 pull-ups. And remember, she asked us to bring a few.

We packed a pull-up box with 32 pull-ups and 8 bed mats. We closed the box and put it on the back of the ATV. We took off to get to Vanessa's family's garage. It took some time, but I and Emma were chatting along the way. I drove, Emma was next to me.

When we arrived, Vanessa was in the upstairs bit of the garage. She looked surprised to see the box. Vanessa: "I thought you were only bringing a few?" Emma: "This is a few! We just put them in a box." We went up to the upper level of the garage and gave Vanessa her box of pull-ups. She opened the box. Vanessa: "How many are there?! This is more than I asked for!" Nadia: "There are 32. We just got a huge box of them. It should still last about a year for us." Vanessa: "Wow! That must be quite a lot of these!" Vanessa then went behind a stack of hay bales to change. Vanessa: "I'm gonna put my pants on soon. It's cold out here!" She looked so cute. I could easily hear her using the pull-up. We sat on a bench of hay bales and took a selfie, showing our pull-ups. We all then put our pants on. Emma then checked the time. "Well, we'd better get going home." Vanessa: "Well, see you tomorrow maybe?" Nadia: "Sure!"

We then hopped on the ATV and took a detour, away from a big puddle that we had to go through before. It took a bit longer to get home this different way. We had to take a shortish break because Emma had to poop. Nadia (While still driving): "What's going on over there?" Emma: "I need to poop." Nadia: "Just go in your pull-up. That's what they're for." Emma: "I thought they were just for peeing in!" Nadia: "Technically, yes. But they do work for poop." I then stopped the ATV. Nadia: "Get out and squat down near the corn so that you have some privacy." Emma: "Okay then. You're the expert." I'm not an expert on this, but this is the information that I had found online. She didn't make a big deal with it, but she did poop. I could easily smell it.

When we got home, mom could also smell Emma's pull-up. Mom: "What happened now?" Emma explained what had happened, then mom changed Emma out of her old pull-up, and into a new one.

We had then sat down for dinner.

After dinner, we went to our rooms and sorted out our pull-ups even more. I had kept my five empty boxes and sorted striped ones from flower ones. I also labelled them "Striped" and "Flowers". Those boxes went into the closet. I had a drawer in my dresser filled to the brim with pull-ups. Emma did a similar thing. We then went to bed and I fell asleep almost instantly.

I was woken up to the buzz of my phone at about 200 AM. It was Emma telling me to come to her room. Something had happened.

(This is the best I could do for a map feel free to judge me in the comments)

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(This is the best I could do for a map feel free to judge me in the comments)

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