The Tall Mistress

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The door slams behind Scrat and a bit of fear is swarming him. He takes slow steps while his heart is pumping. He thinks someone will grab his tail and kill him. Scrat then hears laughter in the distance. Then a man yells in pain with a woman saying "Mmm... Manblood!" Then the laughter happens again. Scrat then opens a door and notices that the door infront of him was closing and there was a big door with stairs in a ancient like room with a big door on the left and the door open on the right. Scrat then goes to the right door. He sees his nut on a table and he sprints towards it and hugs it. He then snuggles up to it.

Then he hears the man scream with women laughing. Scrat's work was done here and now all he needed was bad luck. Scrat then looks around for a way out. He slowly jumps up some very high stairs. Then his tail gets grabbed and he gets lifted in the air. Scrat drops his Acorn and it falls down the stairs onto the floor. Scrat then turns back and sees a woman laughing. Scrat screams and then she boops his nose slightly tickling him. He then sees three other ladies coming in but swarms of flies create them. Scrat tries to struggle from the Lady's grasp. He bit her, he kicked her, he slapped her hand but she won't let go. She also regenerated her skin when he bit her.

Scrat then screamed in fear loud enough to make them cover their ears including the lady. Scrat then falls and slams onto the ground and grabs his nut and sprints. She then snaps her fingers and points at Scrat running. She also pointed where Ethan was so they all split up. Scrat was trying to open the door but it was locked up. Then he seen the swarms. "You're not going anywhere rodent" they start to form into the ladies but Scrat burst through them by jumping straight through them. They all shouted "No Fair!" Then Scrat ran upstairs and found a door with a missing eye. He then heard footsteps of Ethan. Scrat then hid in the pot.

He then saw Ethan put an eye into a door which caused it to open. Scrat then sniffed and Ethan turned around with a pistol. "Come out where ever the fuck you are!" He shouted. Scrat then peeped his head out to Ethan. He then laughed a bit. "Hey little guy. Did I scare you?" He then asks Scrat. He then nods a bit. "You look familiar." He then shook his head. "Come with me." He gave Scrat his hand but Scrat looks frightened. He then tapped the hand. "It's okay." Ethan then said. Scrat took his word and jumped onto his hand. His Acorn was in his hands. "Wait... aren't you that squirrel Rose likes?" Scrat then made a squeak of confusion. Then they both see flies and a fly comes out of Ethan's hand scaring Scrat and he ran into the hallway Ethan unlocked and soon Ethan ran too. Scrat then tripped and his acorn fell out of his hands and bounced down a hole causing Scrat to screams with worry. He then jump and he lands on his face. Then to make matters worse Ethan lands on top of him. Ethan then walks ahead and Scrat gets up. Ethan seems like he did not know Scrat was there.

Scrat then sees Ethan kick the acorn by accident through a hole and once Ethan went through Scrat went through and got his Acorn under a table. Now Scrat is trying to look for a way out. He then follows Ethan into the dungeons. Then it turned dark and Scrat was lost. Then something grabbed him. Scrat then opened his eyes and he was in some sort of Slingshot and there were these creatures aiming it at spikes. Then when Scrat realises the slingshot shot Scrat towards the spikes. Then one of the creatures came out of the ground and Scrat hit into him. Then Scrat flung and hit objects and torture machines like a pinball. His Acorn was also going like a pinball. Then Scrat tried to reach it in mid air. Scrat kept getting hurt as he tried to get his nut for a while until he hit into a cage followed by his nut that missed the cage and fell to the floor.

Scrat then heavily sighs... then the cage falls down on the floor at full force. Then some bars break off the cage leaving a gap for Scrat to scramble out of. He then pops out of the cage and lands in a blood puddle. His fur is now dyed red and he stinks so bad. The only thing he cares is his acorn. He looks around and finds it in a cellar. He then gets excited and ran into the cellar. He then grabbed his acorn and then ran out of the dungeons.

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