Santa Bloom

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Riven: So every year a fat old man breaks into your home steals your food, bribes you with gifts, and leaves through the chimney?!

Bloom: NO!

It was Christmas Eve in the Winx household. The Christmas lights were shining, the rooms were decorated, the presents were under the tree. They even hung up 12 Christmas socks - one for every member! It was the first year Bloom introduced "Christmas" to her friends and so far they enjoyed it! Stella loved the idea of giving (and receiving gifts), Musa listened the hell out of Mariah Carey, Flora baked the gingerbread house, and even Riven found the joy in Christmas movies. He was definitely the one who claimed: "Die Hard" was a Christmas movie.

All these ideas the gang could get their head around. But Santa? everyone seems to have a problem with Santa...

Brandon: I just don't get it! Why would you purposely let an old man into your house! he exclaimed from the sofa while he draped his arm around Stella

Bloom: Maybe because he brings presents! she shouted as she paced the common room in frustration 

Riven: Presents for bribes?

Bloom: NO!

Tecna: Does he have a Facebook account? an email? I could track him down and get some info on him she asked in monotone as she typed away on her laptop 

Bloom: He doesn't have Facebook! He is a mythological magical concept created to bring joy to children! she yelled as she pulled her red hair 

Stella: Pause, pause, pause. Are you saying magic is not real? Because as a fairy I'm personally offended she huffed 

Musa: Me too! 

Bloom: No. Magic is real. Santa isn't. Kids are the only ones who believe in him because they are young and don't know any better. They grow up seeing Santa every Christmas because it's the only magic available on Earth she calmed down as she remembered meeting "Santa" at the mall when she was little

Flora: Oh I get it now...he's like a pixie! Only children can see our pixies she smiled as everyone else nodded enthusiastically

Bloom: Lord save me...she murmured as threw herself into the armchair in exhaustion 

Layla: Although Bloom said he was tall. Pixies are tiny she mused 

Brandon: Maybe he's like the Pixie king and that makes him super tall!

Stella: That's an excellent idea babe! she exclaimed as she leaned over and gave him a peck on the cheek 

Timmy: Wait...doesn't Santa have elf slaves? Maybe we can ask Palladium if he has talked to him! he jumped up

Flora: I have him for potions class next week! I can ask him then! she beamed as she  quickly took out her phone and wrote it down in her reminders

Bloom: They are not slav - never mind 

Musa: You guys! We have totally nailed this whole Santa thing!

Bloom: Well I'm going to sleep. I think Santa will appreciate me leaving him alone. I'll see you guys tomorrow for presents she yawned as she got up from her armchair and walked over to Sky, giving him a goodnight kiss

Layla: Oh my God! You're so right....we all have to go to sleep early so Santa has time to visit us in the Magic Dimension! she shouted causing Bloom to spin around in horror

Bloom: NO N-no noooo

Riven: Oh absolutely! If that guy is going to reach us with that ratty old sleigh and reindeers, we have to give him more time

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