Bad Luck

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Bad language... Just a Heads up. And at the very end, There is a mention of rape. No, She did not get raped, Nobody does, But you will see why this came up if you stick around to the end.


He smiled at her, The charming tilt of his mouth making her pause. Walking towards her, he successfully managed to trap her between his body and the wall. She glared at him, causing the small upturn of his lips to turn into a full blown smirk. "You do know how unoriginal this situation is, Don't you?" The woman asked, Raising an eyebrow.

The man only smirked widder, Stepping closer to her form. "I simply thought you would like to play out a scene from those cheep romance novels you seem so fond of." She scowled at his reply, Kicking him.

He grunted, But other than that, Did nothing. "Yes, Well. Usually the girl gets to at least kick the guys ass before he traps her." She said. The man leaned even closer, Barely leaving a centimeter between their lips.

"And, Usually, There is no one speaking right now. The pairs lips are usually... To busy to form words." The womans eyes widened as his smirk turned sinister. "Riddl-"

I sat up in bed with a gasp, My heart pounding in my chest, "That was new." I mumbled, Getting out of my warm bed and walking towards my desk. As I started up my computer, I glanced at my watch, Noting that it was 4 o'clock on the dot. I sighed and walked towards my tiny kitchen, Mumbling the entire way, "It is way to early for this shit. I went to bed 20 minutes ago, Why am I awake?"

Putting milk on the stove to heat up, I got a bag of my favorite tea and some honey. Going back to my computer, Began typing about what happened in the dream, Then going on when I reached the end of the dream. Once that was done and I was satisfied with how it ended, I uploaded it, posting it as a new chapter to my story.

Leaning back into my chair, I let out a deep breath. 'I really need to get some sleep. I have work in two hours. Damn being an adult sucks major' I stopped my mental ranting as I heard a light hissing and smelt something burning.

Eyes widening, I dashed towards my kitchen. "Fuck, My milk!" Sighing, I put the pot of burnt milk into the sink and got more milk, Sitting at the table and watching it this time.


An hour and a half later, with no sleep having happened in that time, I was driving to work. "Why does work have to start early? Why can't these people be night owls, and work when the evil ball of hate in the sky is sleeping?"

Pulling into the parking lot, I stept out of my truck, I pulled my dull fuzzy brown hair into a ponytail, then pushed up my glasses. Taking a deep breath, I let it out slowly and pushed the door open.

"Hello, Welcome to Cafe- Oh, Madison, It's just you." I glanced at the girl behind the counter as I shoved my backpack into the cupboard. Grabbing my apron, I nodded at her as I headed towards the back room. "Rachel." Making sure everything was in order and that we had enough snacks for the customers, I walked back to the counter.

I felt my lip curl as I saw that Rachel was reading a magazine, While a group of customers were waiting to get their order taken. "Hey, Instead of trying to find ways to fix that ugly mug you call a face, Why don't you try to do your job."

She glared at me, A frown on her painted pink lips. "Why can't you do it?" She asked even as she put down the magazine. "Because, I have to go unload the deliveries we got this morning." I replied, Nodding towards the door before continuing, "Besides, This is your job. You don't get paid to just sit around." And with a scowl twisting her pretty features, A 'Hmp', And the swish of her hot pink miniskirt, She stomped off to go help the customers.

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