Part 8

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"Alright, so here's the vision." Yoongi opens his eyes. "There are eight contestants, all of whom are competing for the same prize: holiday cookie glory."

You and Jungkook exchange a look of alarm at your table.

Yoongi, for better or worse, has really gotten into his role as master of ceremonies. Much of the past hour has been spent listening to directions you consider unnecessary. Never before have you heard the word fondant said so often, nor with such enthusiasm.

You and Jungkook are at the same table, much to your dismay. Each contestant has been given a holiday apron to wear over their clothes. Yours says Santa's Helper, while Jungkook has a cup of eggnog and says, I Put the Rum in Rum-Pa-Pum-Pum.

The rest of the aprons are normal – one designed to look like Santa's coat, another like an elf, and then there's Seokjin's. An outline of Santa and the phrase I Do it For the Ho's. Jimin put duct tape over the word Ho's and wrote Cookies before approving for broadcast. Apparently, the competition is supposed to be family friendly.

Aside from you, Hoseok, Seokjin and Jungkook, four other chefs have been selected from the guests. Yoongi decided these on a first come, first serve basis. Currently, everyone has taken their place at long tables in the lobby. Other guests stop to watch the proceedings, some taking photos of Jungkook at your table.

Midway through Yoongi's lecture on toppings, Jungkook leans over.

"Is he being serious," he mutters, keeping his mouth as still as possible.

Your upper lip twitches. "Super serious, I think."


Hearing your name said aloud, you snap to attention and realize Yoongi is glaring at you from the front.


Yoongi places both hands on his hips. All he needs is a cooking spoon to emulate your mother, scolding you for eating too many after-school snacks.

"Are you even listening?" he asks.

"Uh, yes. For sure. I'm listening."

"Right. How long do you have to decorate your cookies, then?" Yoongi asks, testing your knowledge.

Swallowing, you start to panic a little – until you see Jungkook holding up a single finger.

"One minute," you blurt.

Yoongi stares. "One hour, Y/N. Pay attention."

Another guest raises their hand and Yoongi moves on. Keeping still, you wait until Yoongi answers before turning to Jungkook. He's already laughing, both sides shaking as he tries to stop.

"It's not funny!" you insist, although a smile creeps over your face.

"One minute?" Wiping his eyes, Jungkook straightens. "You wouldn't even have time to roll the fondant."

You groan. "If I never hear the word fondant again, it'd be too soon."

He laughs again, head thrown easily back. You didn't think your joke was that funny, but Jungkook seems to find it hilarious. When he lowers his gaze, his eyes are bright.

"I take it you don't watch a lot of holiday baking shows?" he teases.

"Nope. I've never made icing from scratch, let alone tried to decorate with it."

Jungkook lifts a brow. "Revealing your weakness to the enemy?"

"Are you supposed to be my enemy?" you ask. "Forgive me for assuming the Olympic snowboarder doesn't have much free time to bake."

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