Part 9

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Once you reach your room, you slam the door and stand there for a moment, leaning your head to the wood. Once your breathing is under control, you open your eyes. Staring at the ski slopes, you force yourself to think calmly.

The night has been full of uncertainty – why would Jungkook bring up that night in the library? Why are you questioning Leslie? – and there's only one person who can cut through the nonsense. Stepping into your room, you pull out your phone and dial a number.

Taehyung answers on the third ring.

"HELLO?" he yells, FaceTiming you from what's clearly a bar.

Waving a hand, you smile at your best friend.

Taehyung calls, "WAIT A MINUTE," and begins to maneuver outside.

You wait patiently while he does this, watching him open a door for his breath to immediately frost.

"Y/N!" Beaming, Taehyung pulls the screen closer until it's only his eye. "What's up?"

"Taehyung," you say with a sigh. "I need help."

Returning to a normal view, his brows lift. "You're saying you need help? Oh man, this must be good. What happened? Avalanche?"

"Nothing like that," you say, then pause. "Jungkook is here."

Taehyung freezes, and for a moment you think the call has dropped. Then – a sharp bark of laughter, his camera jerking upward as Taehyung disappears from frame. The sound of him laughing drifts towards you and when Taehyung reappears, you glare.

"Jungkook, as in Jungkook?" he says gleefully. "As in, college Jungkook? Snowboarder Jungkook? Star of a thousand unfulfilled sexual fantasies Jungkook?"

"That's the one. Minus the last bit."

"Interesting." Taehyung props his chin on his fist in mid-air. "So, what's the dilemma?"

"The dilemma... is I think I agreed to go on a date with him."

"With Jungkook."


Taehyung laughs again. "Wow, okay. And again – what's the problem?"

Your eyes widen. "The problem," you hiss, voice dropping, "is Jungkook cheated on Leslie back in college! Or did you forget?"

You expect Taehyung to wince, recoil or curse Jungkook out and are surprised when he barely reacts. Slowly, he nods and looks away.

"And?" Taehyung asks.

Your jaw drops. "And – what? Jungkook cheated on Leslie! It crushed her! I know you never really liked Leslie, but even you have to agree cheaters suck."

Taehyung considers, chewing his lower lip. "Okay, so. Don't take this the wrong way –"

"When has something good ever followed that?"

"– but Leslie is a shady bitch."

For a moment, you're stunned.

"Taehyung..." You stare. "What are you talking about?"

He shrugs and rubs his temple. "I'm talking about how Leslie was with you versus how she was with other people. She was jealous, two-faced, and always talked about people behind their backs. Do you want to know the real reason you stopped being friends after college?"

You hesitate a moment before nodding.

"It's because she was jealous," Taehyung says bluntly. "Leslie liked to surround herself with hurt people because it made her feel better about herself. The second you started to do well, she cut you off."

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