Tying the knot...

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Final chapter (;_;)

By the way i have no clue how the wedding in the anime worked so i'm doing a mix on that, so there's not the whole walking down the aisle thing

[3rd person]

Naruto woke up screaming only to be consoled my Hinata
"Shh shh what's wrong Honey?" she said while rubbing his head as it laid on her chest
"S-sorry i just had a nightmare"
They got out of bed and Naruto went to his own apartment where he kept the same Kimono he used to propose except he would also now be wearing a black silk jacket with the Uzumaki crest across the heart and on the back.
Naruto and Hinata arrived at their waiting room, as they stood looking at the hokage mountain there were no idle sounds, leaving only the two to their own thoughts
"You look beautiful Hinata" she was wearing a light purple gown with white stripes by the seams as well as some flowers in her hair
"You look very Handsome yourself Naruto"

Everyone started arriving and was greeted by hanabi
Kakashi and yamato arrived wearing tuxedos
Ino went with Sai
Shikamaru with Temari
Neji came with Tenten
Sakura,Choji,Kiba,Shino and lee all just came by themselves
And best of all Teuchi came and gave Naruto a free ramen for life card as his wedding present
Everyone was sat down at their tables
Jiraya was sat with Kakashi,Yamato,iruka,Tsunade,Shizune as well as Hiashi
Konohamaru was sat with his friends as well as Hanabi and other young children
All of the close friends sat down at their table and began talking
"Hey, why is there a spare chair?" Sakura asked while drinking some sake
"I guess it must be someone Naruto knows" Kiba called out with his hands behind his head leaning on his chair with akamaru on the floor
A dark voice called out which flung Kiba to attention
"Good day everybody" he sat down on the spare chair
"N-Naruto?" Sakura nearly spit out her drink
"Close, i guess i should do a proper introduction"
"Hello...my name is Kurama"
Ino dropped her glass, it felt like an eternity until it smashed bringing everyone back to reality
"A-are you for real..." Sakura still wanted to believe it was just naruto
"Yes I am. I have come here to enjoy Naruto's wedding...just like all of you"
"But...how is this possible..."
"Well to put it simply...if Naruto gives me permission i can take control of his body but right now i am controlling a shadow clone"
"Oh wow...i never would have expected you to do something like this"
"Neither would i...but there was something about that kid that changed me, he saw something in me and treated me like a friend"
"Yep that'll be Naruto for you.........hey can you do any ninjutsu?"
"Hmm? I believe so yes"
"Can you try to change your hair to red so we can tell who's who?"
"I will try" to everyone's surprise he was actually able to do it and changed it to red making him look like even more like an Uzumaki than Naruto
Everyone sat talking while waiting for the ceremony
But Sakura was sad to see all of the happy couples so she began downing champagne
After a while of talking Naruto and Hinata finally came out and walked up to the stage
"Do you, Hinata Hyuga take Naruto Uzumaki as your lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health, till death do you part"
"I do"
"And do you Naruto Uzumaki take Hinata Hyuga as your lawfully wedded wife in sickness and in health, till death do you part"
"I do"
"You may now kiss the bride"
They shared a love filled kiss as they tied the knot
"Wooooo!" Sakura was clearly drunk but everyone else was cheering and talking anyway
"Doesn't Hinata look pretty" Ino questioned Sai
"Yes she does, her and Naruto also look like they're happy about something other than the marriage though" Sai was being way too observant as per usual
"Well what d'you expect they're gonna have a baby" Sakura shot out angered by their love
"SAKURA!" Neji yelled at her
"What is it, Neji!"
"Sakura you just told everyone their secret" Kurama was taking responsibility as he also knew
"Which one?"
"The baby" Neji sighed
"...did i?..."
"Yes you're way too drunk brat"
Naruto and Hinata came and sat down on the table after talking with Hiashi and others...everyone went silent
"So what are we talking about guys?" Naruto boisterously called out
He looked at Kurama and they began to speak to watch other
'Hey kid Sakura is too drunk'
'How much has she drunk?'
'Too much but that's not the problem'
'What is it'
'She accidentally let slip that Hinata is pregnant...'
"Hmm what is it Honey?" Hinata was scared by Naruto's sudden outburst
He decided to just speak out loud since everyone already knew
"Sakura accidentally told everyone about the kid"
"Hmm? What kid?" he only placed his hand on Hinata's belly as he looked into her eyes
"O-oh...well yes i am pregnant..." even Naruto was shocked by her abruptness but put his arm around her
"Wow you two i just really can't believe all this is happening" Ino was shocked but truthful
"Hmm? Why?" Naruto was surprised without reason
"well...Naruto, you couldn't understand the difference between loving ramen and loving a person and you had no clue why Hinata would blush when you were are around her, and Hinata could barely structure a sentence when she was around you bare in mind not pass out if you brushed her arm...so its just surprising that you guys are the first couple to be married...and with a child on the way"
They both blushed as they realised just how far they had come
"Yeah i guess you're right...but i'm with her now and it's all i could ever ask for" he looked into Hinata's eyes and couldn't help but lock lips
"Oh get a room" Kiba snapped
"Ehehe sorry Kiba-Kun you know we cant help it"
They continued joking and talking until the after party where Naruto and Hinata shared their first dance as a husband and wife, they just stayed stuck in each others arms, swaying from side to side
The after party was over and everyone had started going home

[Naruto pov]

We left our wedding gifts at the compound so that we could deal with them later
I picked Hinata up in bridal style
"Hehe i would normally say that i can walk but this is very fitting" Hinata was overjoyed
"Even if you did i wouldn't let you walk" i said laughing
We reached my apartment as i placent Hinata on the bed as we pulled off our wedding clothes and placed them folded up high in my cupboard that way i never ruined them
"Well then, Miss Uzumaki. Shall we go to bed"
"I think that sounds good. Mr Uzumaki"
"We clambered into bed as we pulled each other into a warm embrace. We were so close our noses were touching
"I Love you Naruto Uzumaki"
"And I love you. Hinata...Uzumaki."

I really hope you guys enjoyed this story as I had an amazing time writing it so please leave a like follow and I hope I provided you with an enjoyable means of entertainment, I hope that your next fanfic you may read is just what you are looking for <3
Bai bai ^_^

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