Chapter 18: Let Her Go

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Narrator's POV
April 3rd, at 8:47 PM, Octavia died with her last words of: "Goodbye Lauryn and Santana, you were my sisters and always will be. "

She died with a smile on her face, love in her heart, but sickness in her stomach. The doctors tried everything they could but they didn't save her.

Santana cried and wailed and wanted little Octave to come back. She swore to avenge her and kill the man who made the fantasy of Octavia dying a reality.

Josh didn't know Octavia, but knew that Lauryn and Santana did, so he put daisies in her beautiful dark blue hair.

Brent fell to his knees when he heard the news. He locked himself in his room for weeks. Even though he only knew her for a little while, he had high hopes for her. He spent hours on end planning a great private school just right for a girl like her. He set up a part time job for her on her way to success.

But poor Lauryn was effected the most. She shattered her lamps, she broke her nightstand in two, she ripped pages out of her books, and didn't eat for weeks. She stayed in her room for ages and wouldn't come out, except open the door for Santana to visit her.
She attempted suicide multiple times but Santana or Josh always got there in time. She eventually gave up and started shutting everyone out. She refused to go to Octavia's funeral, but cried for ages when she visited her gravestone.

Octavia will be missed. Her smile, her eyes, her loving words. Heaven had gained a new angel.

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-αυтнσяѕ иσтє-
brb crying guys

sorry I haven't been updating because I was like rlly busy.

1.) any ideas?

2.) someone's going to be moving away soon... can you guess who?

3.) feedback?

thanks for reading, and I love you all :)

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