Chapter 4

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Mirror Man by: Ella Henderson

Trudging downstairs I securely held my duffle to my body. "I can put that in the truck if you'd like?" Said Dean as he reached for my bag. "Oh nah you're straight" curving around him I beelined for the front door only to be stopped by Ramirez's death glare. "Mr. Dean, I apologize for this child's attitude, today has been a day. She is usually much more behaved." chirped Ramirez. Oh man the lies we tell. "I'll be right back. I need to go say goodbye to my friends. They should be home by now." I said as I flew around him and out of the front door with my duffle bouncing across my body. Usually the everyone hangs at Lexi's immediately after school so I decided to head there first. The walk was about five minutes and I didn't care because I always found walking a good way to clear my mind other than music. How is it that Lexi being as rich as she is living only five minutes away from and me being a foster kid? Well, my foster mother is one of those people who is truly doing this out of the goodness of her heart. Reaching Lexi's front door I walked right in. "Good Afternoon, Ms. Whitfield. Alexia should be upstairs somewhere. I'm sure she's awaiting your arrival." said Kele, Lexi's House Manager and God Father. He always referred to her as her full name and she hated it. I think he did it just to get under her skin. "Hello Kele. Where's the rest of the crew?" I said as I noticed the house was particularly quiet today. "Hmm. I'm not sure, I just got back from the store myself. Anyways she should be in her room. I'll make get the chef to make some snacks for you guys and they should be done shortly." He said as he turned and headed into the kitchen. As I made my climb to the third floor of the house I wondered why she had this big house with no elevator. Finally making my way to the top I realized her door was closed which was weird because she liked to keep an open door so no one ever felt left out. Thinking nothing of it, I turned the knob only to see Lexi and my ex-boyfriend Bobby in a full make out session. It was like hot grease was poured on them they jumped up up so quick. "What the hell Lexi". I was so angry and all I could see was red.

Bobby was my first love or at least the first boy I believe I truly liked and the very reason why I don't love anymore. When we first met we were inseparable. He was so nice, and loving. Then he started to change. I was a virgin, and wanted to stay that way until I was ready or until marriage. I have too many trust issues to give myself to someone who could potentially hurt me. He only cared about himself, and I got sick of it. He started cheating on me with multiple girls, and even hit me one time. Benny and Clarence dang near killed him for it. Lexi was there for me through everything. She knew exactly how I felt about Bobby.

"How long" I asked? Tears rimmed Lexi's eyes as she tried to say something, but nothing came out. "Oh so now you can't speak? You weren't so quiet when you were moaning his name all in his lap" I yelled getting in her face. "Chill out Kara. It's not like you and I are together. She did nothing wrong. You're just mad because I chose her fine self over you. I've been hitting that since day one" Bobby jumped forward hastily grabbing my arm. My heart skipped a beat as I had a flashback of him putting his hands on me. "Get your hands off me. Don't you ever touch me!" I said as I ripped my arms out of his grip. "You know what? You guys deserve each other. You are both snakes in the grass, and you better thank God that Lexi and I were friends or else I would hurt both of you". By this time Lexi was crying and saying sorry over and over. "And to think I thought you were the greatest friend I ever had. Don't call me, text me, look at me, or even breathe the same air as me. You are dead to me. I'm not even going to fight you. All I can do is pray for you. Our friendship or whatever sick thing it was is over! From the bottom of my heart, I wish you the best." I said walking out of her room and slamming the door. I couldn't believe it. My bestfriend, my bestest friend betrayed me. I can't even trip though even the devil was an angel.

Reaching the end of the hallway Ramirez, Benny, Clarence, and Ty were there, and all looked sorry for me. "We heard the whole thing. We were in the game room playing 2k when we heard all the commotion and we called Ramirez. We're so sorry Kar" said Benny hugging me. "It's ok. Trust no one remember? A snake is a snake no matter how pretty it seems. I will be fine. Thank you guys for being my real friends. I'm going to miss you guys so much. Don't do anything stupid, and make sure you call me every once in a while" I said hugging all if them.
"You ain't said nothing but a thing lil' sis. She's dead to us now too. Family doesn't hurt family. Straight up" said Ty as I hugged him last. "Thanks Ty. I love you guys. I'm ready to go now Ramirez." Stuffing my hands in my pockets I walked past him and down the stairs. "Bye boys. Thanks for being such good friends to her" I heard him say running after me.
"I am so sorry Kara. I'm sorry that happened to you. I know you are probably really upset right now, but I have to say that I am proud of you. You didn't go in there and turn up on her. You handled the situation like a true adult. Be proud of yourself for that at least." He said as we got in his car. Cranking up the car we made to two-minute drive back to the place I know as home. Quickly moving to get out I reached for the door handle. "Hold on a minute. I have something for you." Pulling a navy blue box out of his pocket he handed it to me. I opened the pretty box to find a locket with a picture of Ramirez and me I when was a kid. Engraved on the back it said, "Love will always be here when it's not around -Love dad."

Today was just an emotional day, but I refused to cry. I didn't cry ever. But the necklace was so beautiful. Ramirez was the closest thing I had to a father. So I let the tears fall. I cried because of the necklace, Lexi, and leaving my home. "It's ok to cry baby girl. You don't always have to be so strong. I know you like the necklace because I'm just that good of a shopper. So you don't have to say anything" he said hugging me as I chuckled at his comment.
"Thanks. I love it." I said wiping my eyes. " I'm honestly going to miss you the most. You've been here for me since the beginning. I appreciate you more than words can describe". If I could have adopted you I would have a long time ago, but my job is too demanding and I'm getting moved up and to another department. My job is about to become way too dangerous. I'm going to have targets in my back, and I couldn't risk you getting hurt because of it" he said as we walked up the driveway. It was almost dark, and my "parents" were probably getting worried. "Oh my gosh that's amazing. You've always wanted to move up the food chain at your job. Is it the CIA or Secret Service?!! You're going to be all Bad boys and stuff. Don't forget me ok? " I said laughing. "I wouldn't be able to disclose either way and never imagined I would ever forget you sweetheart." he said opening the door. "Oh there you are. We were thinking you ran away" said my new "mom" Tina. "No I'm done running." I said securing my duffel bag to my body for the millionth time. "Are you ready to go? Also are you sure you don't want me to put that in the truck? It's no problem, really" asked my new "dad". "Ready as I will ever be and no it's fine where it is thank you" I said sighing. "Ahh. Bye sweetie! I'm going to miss you" said my foster mom hugging me and blushing at Ramirez. Ugh, why don't they just get married already? They would make the cutest couple. "Bye. I love you." I said hugging Ramirez. "Oh wait, I almost forgot." Unzipping my duffel bag I pulled out my gun case and handed it to him discreetly. "I won't even ask how you got this or where you got it and you better be glad I didn't know about it until now." he said snatching the case from me. "Well would you rather me give it to you or get slapped with a felony for bringing a weapon to an airport?" I said smartly. "Don't get smart with me little girl. This was supposed to be a moment." He said pointing his finger at me. "I know, I know. Seriously this time. I love you with all my heart Dad" I said as I hugged him again, but longer this time. My new "parents" gave a confused look that I called him my dad, but that's exactly what he was and would always be. "Bye baby girl." he said hugging me one last time. "Remember what I said, love will always be here when it's not around. Stay strong." he said as I followed my new parents, with a sleeping Jackson in their hands.

Well Miami, it's been real. I don't know where I'm going or what I'm going to do without you, but thank God for letting me stay here as long as I did. I was one of the blessed ones. Hopping in their car I buckled up and slipped on my Beats. Man how I wish I could just sit back and roll one...

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