Chapter Five

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After running behind Jackson on his sugar rush at the airport and almost a six hour flight later, I was exhausted. LAX was just how it's looked in the movies but I didn't let the new scenery phase me. I was too tired to care. "Kara honey, did you enjoy the flight? Was it your first? " Asked Tina with a chipper look as she grabbed a hold of Jackson's hand before he made a mad dash to his next conquest.  "Oh the flight was cool I can't complain. And no, I've been on many flights." I said looking anywhere but in her eyes. I really hoped she dropped this subject. I had boarded many of flights during my really wild days. One thing about me is when I run, I'm going to catch a flight. "Kwara can you hold my hand instead of Mommy? I have more fun when you hold it" Asked Jackson as he gave me the puppy dog eyes. Rolling my eyes in my head because he was so freaking cute I held my hand so he could grab it. "Hold on, let me get my camera. I want to save this moment." said Tina as she rummaged through her bag looking for her phone. "Here it is" she said pulling it out triumphantly. "Ok you guys. Say welcome home" "Welcome homeeeee" said Jackson as the camera flashed. She gave me a frown as she realized I didn't say the words, but quickly hid her emotion as she gushed over how great we looked in the photo. "Ah did I miss the picture?" said Dean as he came back from the restroom. "Oh Sweetheart there will be many more and besides it was only a picture of the kids" she said as she put her phone away. I didn't miss how she slipped that term of endearment in. "The kids", just didn't sit well with my spirit. We're not there. In the words of my favorite meme "We ain't neva done that before". Slow your roll sis, slow your roll. "Alright everyone let's get going. Our car is waiting" said Dean as he waved his hand and turned on his heel. After a walk through the terminal we came outside. The heat hit me like a semi-truck. Miami gets hot but it's beach hot. Well beach hot where I lived anyways. This heat was disrespectful. "You'll get used to it eventually. Come on get in" she chuckled looking at me watch the sun in the sky. I hadn't even noticed the black Escalade that parked directly in front of us and the man holding the door open. Sliding in, I popped on my headphones so I could signal I was done talking for the time being. I could tell Tina was disappointed and probably wanted to talk some more, but I'm not in the chit chat mood. Gazing out of the window I noticed that for some reason the cars shined a little more here than back home. Typical. Maybe my mind is playing tricks on me. It wouldn't be the first time.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2022 ⏰

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