After class was lunch . I walked to go meet up with han and talk about some school stuff .
We had a project coming up soon about history stuff blah blah blah .
After we got done eating we walked around the school for time to past by . The bell then rung and the hallway got more crowded.
Third person POV
Felix walked to his next class , history ,and sat down at his desk for class to start , mean while hyunjin walks in but felix dosent know becuase he is to busy playing with his soft shirt.
Hyunjin then sits beside felix , but felix still didn't notice . Changbin walks in and starts to chat with some other friends .
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Third person POV
Class has now started . "Ok class we will be starting a project , you'll get a list and it will show who you will have for this project" . The teacher said passing out the list .
Felix looked at the list , scanning for his name to show up.
'Lee felix'
'Of cource I got changbin' ,felix thought rolling his eyes playfully.
Felix saw another name , 'hyunjin'? He thought confused .
Felix then started scanning the room , he saw the new kid but didnt think much about it .
He felt someone tap his on his arm , he turned around to see the new kid .
Felix got confused why he tapped him .
"Is your name felix?" The new kid said in a sweet tone .
"Yup!" Felix said.
"Im gessing your hyunjin?" Said felix in a sweet soft tone .
"Yup" hyunjin said while smiling at him.
"Well we should start our project now" , "I'll go get changbin to start" Felix said rolling his eyes playfully.
Felix got changbin and started doing their project.
~ Time skip~
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After doing some of their project they chatted for a bit , "hey, maybe we should finish up some more of the project at my house!" Felix said smiling.
"Sure!" "Ok!" Said both hyunjin and changbin.
"Alright! Meet me at the school gates after school!" Felix said
The bell then rung.
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