Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizza Plex

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Lucy, the parents, and all of Lucy's four siblings arrived at the Pizza Plex. Lucy was ecstatic, to say the least. But, her brother Jimmy on the other hand.. Was quite the opposite. 

Jimmy was a trouble kid, being fifteen and going through the young toxic teenage boy adolescence. He had pretty poor grades, but that didn't stop the parents getting him the brand new PS6 that came out this year for his birthday. 

"Ugh, why are we at this little kiddy place?!" He groaned. "I want to go be on the game with THE BOYS." 

He loved bringing up "the boys" aka, his friends. He played the game with them almost everyday, and basically saw them everyday too. He would always get in a bunch of trouble when he was with them, and one day, the mom caught them vaping in the garage. But he begged and pleaded to not be in trouble. He claims he was "peer pressured into doing so." The mother, who basically catered to her child, bought the bait. 

Then there was Kimmy. The" perfect child" if you would say. Straight A's, Straight blond hair, popular, just a lovable human overall. Nothing seemed wrong with her, she was the perfect daughter.

Kimmy is sixteen, in the tenth grade. She's almost never home, either at sports, a friends house, or after school activities. She was in the chess club, literature club, etc. She was co-president of the school board, and at this point, she might as well be the U.S president. 

"Oh come on Slim Jim! Lose the attitude. You need to come out that grimy room of yours more anyways. Even if this place is meant for 12 year olds.." Kimmy attempted to look on the brightside, but her face expressed she would rather not be here either. 

After Kimmy, there's Jenny. The complete opposite of Kimmy, her slightly older sister. Jenny is fifteen, in the ninth grade, and might stay there for a pretty long time. She has straight F's, vapes, and does every drug imaginable. Even during school. She skips class, and sometimes doesn't come home for days. 

The parents attempted to help, they attempted to talk to her, and even punish her. Nothing worked. they basically gave up on her, and really let her do anything she wants. She gets along well with her brother Jimmy. And when she IS at the house, they are always causing some kind of trouble at the home. Either its pranks on the parents, or terrorizing the two younger siblings.

"Jimmy's right.. what the fuck is this place lmao. I dont wanna be here, but maybe we can torture and give some random kids nightmares.. hm JimJim?" Jenny smirked while elbow Jim in the process.  Jim smiled malishoulsy back.

Lucy and Lillian. Completely and thoroughly identical twins. They are the age of eleven, and basically do everything together, as younger twins do. They go everywhere together, wear the same clothes, sometimes it seems like they share the same brain. Speaking conjointly. They are pretty good children, average, sometimes trouble makers, but well disciplined. 

The parents the most time with the twins, since they well.. are twins. They had a baby shower for the twins, maternity pictures for the twins, and even a baby book they are still updating to this day. They take pride in the twins. Since they've fail with Jim and Jenny. 

"Lilly look!" "Lucy look!" the twins said in sync giggling. "JINX" Lilly quickly blurted before Lucy could get the chance, running away. Lucy huffed "Hey! That's not how jinx worksss!" running after Lucy.

The parents followed behind just laughing to themselves. "Some kids we have, huh Bill?" smiling in his direction "Yes Margret." Bill agreed with a small smirk. 

They got to the main entrance doors of the Pizza Plex. "Please, take a map." The map bot at the entrance shoved maps into each of the children's hands. "Uh, they are only kids, they don't need a map-" the mom tried to gently decline and hand the maps that the bot gave to the kids back. But the bot of course, insisted.  

They all entered, maps in hand. This was the beginning. 

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