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WARNING BRUH: super long. Like suuuper fucking long. Not just Jean's horse cock im talking ab the chapters. I'm a perfectionist  w my stories and I want long chapters. Also I lied. I'm obsessed w Erejean just as much as Jearmin now. So yeah.🤡

I honestly doubt anyone's going to read this just because ofc I do. It's not the best and I procrastinate a lot anyways. I'm more into Jearmin then Erejean however, I do find this ship entertaining so when I thought of this plot I decided to go for it. It just wouldn't fit in with any other ship I could think of. And besides I always find it funny to ship characters that are rivals. "We hate each other"
*literally fucks*
Guess it's one way to take your anger out on each other. I don't know.
But on a serious note!
This is hard to write, takes up lots of time even just the first chapter because I keep over looking things and try to fix every little grammatical error
Because that's me.
It simply cannot be helped.
I hope someone finds this interesting, and I hope I got the characters at least slightly accurate.

And remember to always thank Reiner ;)

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