You should have known baking with your two best friends was a bad idea.
You, Chenle, and Jisung couldn't even be in the same room together for more than five minutes before someone was screaming and there was something all over the floor.
But they had been so excited when you said you were baking Christmas cookies, and with both of them giving you those big puppy eyes, how could you ever say no?
"Okay now we need to get the flour, sugar, and brown sugar out."
Jisung went to go grab the dry ingredients while you continued to read the recipe.
"Oh shoot the butter was supposed to be softened already but I forgot to get it out!"
You poured down at the sheet in front of you but Chenle just smiled.
"Don't worry bestie I got you," he spoke as he grabbed the stick of butter and shoved it down his apron.
"What are you doing?" You laughed at the rectangle sticking out of his chest, "you look like an idiot."
"I'm just being a good sous chef and you're insulting me, this is the last time I help you," he fires back.
Jisung rejoins the two of you at the table after setting down the ingredients he had grabbed from the pantry.
He took in the sight of Chenle and tried to keep in a laugh, failing miserably much to his best friends dismay.
"I'm BEING HELPFUL, jeez why is everyone so ungrateful today?!"
"I'm sorry Lele, your service is appreciated, you just look silly doing it." You apologize and it seems to satisfy him.
"We could measure the other stuff while we wait, so you want to pack the brown sugar?"
"Pack it? It's brown sugar, what does it need packed? Where is it going?"
You can't tell if Jisung is joking or not, and you give him an unsure smile as you explain just in case.
"No like push it down into the measuring cup to make sure it's full, it's what makes it hold the shape of the measuring cup when you dump it."
"What if the cup was dog shaped? Would I have dog shaped brown sugar?"
"Well yeah, but I don't think they make dog shaped measuring cups."
"They actually probably do!" Chenle interjects from his spot next to you.
"Okay well I don't have any so it'll just be normal cup shaped."
"We should make it Chenle shaped!"
Jisung agrees with his friends statement before bringing the bag to his friends face.
"Wait how do you pack brown sugar?"
You should have seen it coming. You should have known what was going to happen if you told them, but you were blind and told them anyway.
"You just press the sugar into the thing."
And with that, Jisung shoved the bag of brown sugar into Chenle's face.
"I- what are you doing," you whine out, knowing fully well that you were not going to get anything done with these two around.
"Making Chenle shaped brown sugar."
You watch ad Jisung holds the bag up for a little longer before going, "wait my arms are gonna get tired, here."
He guided Chenle to the counter, setting the bag down with his friends face still in it.
"This is gonna be so cool!" Jisung cheers, and Chenle pumps his fist in the air to show agreement.
"I kinda want to make one too!!"
Jisung scans the counter for something to make a him mold with, and his eyes land on the regular sugar.
It's in a paper bag so he can't go through the layer like Chenle can, and you can see the gears turning in his head.
You don't know what you were expecting, but it wasn't for Jisung to open the bag of sugar and shove his face directly into the granules.
The young boy lifts his head from the bag, sputtering and shedding sugar from his face.
Chenle had removed his face from the brown sugar just in time to witness the whole scene, and his loud laughter echoed throughout the kitchen.
"WHY DIDNT YOU WARN ME YN" Jisung yells out, blowing sugar out of his nostrils, and you and Chenle are both laughing so hard you're about to fall over.
"I tried," you managed to get the words out between your giggles, "I thought you had at least one brain cell, but apparently I was wrong."
Jisung whined again and Chenle joined in.
"Dude what did you expect to happen?"
By now there's sugar all over the floor, the bag of brown sugar is holding the shape of Chenle's face, and the room is so loud with laughing and screaming that you can't even understand the words anymore.
Jisung looks down and noticed the sugar all over his clothes, launching into another string of complaints against his two best friends, and you remind him that it wouldn't have happened if he wore the apron you offered him (or just didn't shove his face in sugar).
"I'm not wearing that apron it's ugly!!"
"What do you mean Sung, it's so cute!!"
He holds up the article of clothing, the front reading "Mr Good Lookin is Cookin", as stares at it in disgust.
Chenle looks down at the pink "kiss the cook" apron he had on over his Gucci jacket.
"I mean we can trade if you want."
"Absolutely not!"
The tree of you spend the rest of the night yelling and joking with each other, and the cookies never do get made.
But on Christmas morning you wake up to a set of dog shaped measuring spoons and your very own ugly apron, complete with a shirtless and tatted up Santa and the words "there's some ho's in this house" scrawled across the front.
Your best friends were a disaster, that's for sure, but they were your disasters.
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a/n: surprise!! I'm still alive!!! I've been mostly on tumblr these days but here's some Christmas chaos for my fave boys!!