• Kurono catch-up! •

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How you meet:

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How you meet:

- You're overhauls sister
- and it was you're first time at the yakuza's hideout
- you thought it would be nice to visit/stay with your brother for a couple months
- you were walking around trying to find your brothers office, but instead you got lost
- you were walking but then heard a voice behind you "hey" you turned around confused. There stood a man with a plague mask and a long white coat. You noticed him, overhaul mentioned him to you he was his right hand man.
He then again spoke "wait aren't you overhauls sister?... (y/n) was it." he asked "um...yeah I thought I'd come visit him for a couple months, I wanted to see him. But I can't seem to find his office..."

"Oh ya, i'll show you where it is...just follow me." he says while walking to the supposed location to overhauls office

"Alright then..." you say while following close behind.

Becoming friends:

- He gave you a tour around the hideout
- you two started a little conversation
- he was a little timid
- but he started warming up to you
- overhaul didn't really like your guys "friendship"
- overhaul is just protective of you :')

His first thoughts about you:

- "she's/he's a little irritating...but I wouldn't mind trying to get to know her/him..."


- the rest of the shie hassaikai members made him finally confess to you
- he wrote you a confession letter
- he was to shy to ask you in person
- you read it
- he was nervous
- you smiled at him, and said yes
- he was happy
- the shei hassaikai members were cheering him on in the distance
- overhaul wasn't happy but at the same time he was. As long as you're happy he's happy

First date:

- you guys went to a cafe
- he brought you a rose
- you guys talked about random things
- he put his hand on yours from time to time
- when you guys left you went on a small walk around the park
- you guys were holding hands

Fav place to kiss you:

- he loves kissing you on your cheek
- he finds it adorable every time he sees you blush

When your sad:

- he calmly asks you what's wrong
- once you explained what your sad, he kissed you on the forehead saying it'll be okay
- then he starts hugging you
- lets you cry into his chest

Who said I love you first:

- him (he's confident enough to say it >:)

Kissing in front of others:

- nope.
- he's not really into PDA
- ESPECIALLY not in front of your brother (overhaul- incase you forgot...)

When he's sick:

- "for the last time (y/n)! I'm not taking that gross medicine." kurono says while trying to push you away from him.
"But you have to, otherwise you won't feel better!" you say irritated. Kurono can be troublesome sometimes, you think to yourself.
"So stop being a baby!" you say.

He just keeps trying to avoid the medicine.
So you try the oldest trick in the book.

You put the medicine in your mouth, then grab kurono face and kiss him

He kisses back.

The medicine then goes into his mouth and he had no choice but to swallow it

"Dam you (y/n)..." he groaned

You just snickered.


- he gets jealous easily
- when he's jealous he'll be clingy
- glares at the person
- sometimes he'll get insecure, thinking you'll leave him
- he trusts you
- but he doesn't trust the people around you
- so thats why he always want to be near you, to protect you

(he'd probably get jealous of nemoto though)

Stealing his clothes:

- you often wear his coat
- he doesn't really mind
- thinks you look cute
- he found you a coat that looked similar to his
- now yall can match

Who has a crush on you:

- setsuno (he's so precious)

Who's your best friend:

- tengai

Toxic headcanons:

- he ignores you from time to time
- spends most of the with overhaul
- compares you to other people
- "You're lucky your with me. I could have anyone."
- manipulates you
- he also has a way of taking from you or doing something that hurts you
- lies to you ALOT
- he'll lie before he ever apologises so there’s no point arguing
-  he will twist the story, change the way it happened and retell it so convincingly that he'll believe his own nonsense
- he always says "It's not a big deal." or "You'll get over it."

He cheats on you:

( I couldn't think of anything for kurono. But I know overhaul gon beat his ass if kurono cheated on you. )

When your on your period:

- he cooks for you
- doesn't really know anything about periods
- but he tries to help as best as he can
- after months of dating you he comes prepared pads, heating pad, anything that would help with your cramps
- he gives you hugs and kisses ( ˘ ³˘)♥
- spoils you with your favourite snacks
- then binge watched shows

When you die:

- you were with him while overhaul was fighting mirio
- but you ended up getting stabbed by one of the spikes while overhaul was using his quirk
- kurono couldnt breath
- and chisaki was devastated
- after your death kurono distanced himself from everyone
- he became more cold towards people
- he thought to himself "Maybe if I had been more responsible...she/he would have been alive right now..."

(I had to add kurono <3 he's one of my favourite mha characters.)

838 words

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