The Missing Princess

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9 years after the gates were closed, Ariana is now 12 years old and having breakfast early in the morning, sitting alone at the dining room while her sister Anna definitely still sleeping even now and yet she didn't mind.

At that time, her parents come in to join her for breakfast, "morning, mom dad", she said happily.

"Good morning sweetie", the queen said lovingly as she sit opposite side of her daughter.

"What're you two doing today?", Ariana asks looking at her parents.

The king smile, "just another royal duties", he answered, "and what about you?".

", maybe studying at the library", Ariana said.

"About what?", her mother asks.

"Just about nature", she simply answers. When she finished, she walk to the royal library and start choosing her books to read at her room.

"What are you reading?", a voice coming from the door making Ariana startled. When she turn around it was just her older sister, Anna.

"Seriously, could you at least knock", Ariana said annoyed.

Anna just giggle, "sorry, it's just habit", she said as she walk in, "so what are you reading?", she asks again. When she look at the book title that called 'Nature Life Cycle'. Anna look back at her, "so you're studying huh".

"Y-yeah", Ariana reply embarrassed, "so what about you?".

"Oh I don't know..... maybe play with my horse at the stable", she said, "wanna join?".

"No thanks, I'm not the kind of person that really active", she replied.

"Oh well, if you need me, you know where I'll be", Anna said as she walk out of the room and Ariana keep on search another book.

"Why do I feel like being watched?", Ariana asks herself.

Yet it's true, far outside from the castle, 2 men is using a telescope from a nearby cliff to watch Ariana choosing a book, "she's perfect", said one of the man smiling wickedly.

At night.....

Ariana decide to take a break from looking at the book and went downstairs to wat dinner, when she arrives, it's only her at the dining table, "mom and dad must be still working right now and Anna might still at the stable", she thought, so she just had dinner by herself and went back up to her room to spend her alone time.

When she arrives at her room, ahe notice the window is slightly open, "weird, I didn't left it open", she thought and walk towards the window to close it back. As she about to close it, she sensed someone is behind her, she quickly turn around and saw 2 men wearing clothes, jacket, and pants in black.

Ariana gasp, her entire body is frozen in fear, "w-who are you?!", she asks trying to act fearless. The men did not answer, they slowly walk towards their target.

Near Ariana's bedroom, the king and queen are walking towards thier bedroom to get clean up from the tiring day. Suddenly they heard Ariana scream making them both shock.

"It's Ariana!", the king said and without wasting anytime they both running towards the room and saw Ariana is unconscious on one of the man's arm, "Hey!", the king shout angrily, but both men didn't care, they just cross the window and jump. The king rush outside and called all the guards to stop the kidnappers.

Inside, a girl named Elsa heard her father screaming and she want to look outside but fear to do it, so instead, she just look towards the window and saw many guards run outside, "what happened?", she thought.

Back outside, the guards can't see the kidnappers due to their dark coloured clothes and it's already night time, "keep searching! They must be nearby", captain of the royal guards ordered. All guards search and search, but found nothing.

The king decide to continue the search tomorrow early in the morning, "don't worry Ariana, you'll be just fine".

The king and the guards return to the palace, the queen are waiting at the door with worry expression on her face and beside her is her second daughter also looking worried, "I'm sorry, we couldn't find her".

Anna decide to go to her room to calm herself down. Meanwhile, the two rulers went to Elsa's room to tell her what happened. The queen knock the door, "Elsa, it's us", she said with sad voice.

Elsa opens the door and see her parents look so down. She let them in and they all went silent, "what's wrong?", Elsa asks making both her parents look at each other, "I don't like that face", she thought.

The king sigh and look at Elsa face right in the eye, "Elsa-", the king begins, "your sister, Ariana-", Elsa's eyes widen a little wanting to know more, "-been kidnapped".

Elsa's eyes completely wide in both shock and scared, "what?", is all she could say, "b-by who?", she asks.

"We don't know", he father replied, "but I swear we will find her, but for now get some rest".

As her parents leave, Elsa sits on her bed thinking, "that's why the guards are running", she thought, "please Ariana be safe wherever you are".

The next morning......

The king ordered the guards to search the kingdom including houses and forest, but nothing.

The next day, they search again but.....also nothing.

This had become a routine for the guards to search the missing princess.

Even it's already become 2 years since the tragedy happened, the king never give up on his daughter.

Every night before going to bed, Anna prayed that her sister will be found one day and hopefully she's safe and unharmed.

Elsa also prayed for her sister safety and one day Ariana will come home alive.

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