Fast Forward

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I can remember my head throbbing in pain, pulsating uneasily.

My eyes ache. I wish i could claw them out. The light is blinding.

But someone squeezes my hand as i fade, fade away...


I let out a small moan and begin to blink. "Kat? Oh god, Kat, your awake, I thought you never would get up again, those stupid girls we-" 

I groan in pain. The voices are making my head throb. "Please, whoever it is st...stop talking." I take a deep breath and place my hands on my head. In the hospital again. Great. Who knows what for this time. I need to call my mom.



The voice sounds small now, taken aback. I turn to see a short, attractive boy with dirty blond hair and blue eyes staring worringly at me. My heart begins to pound.

"Um..." I begin awkwardly. "Could you..." I search his jacket for a name tag hospitals always use. "Jack, could you call a nurse in, please?" 

The boy nods slowly, then walks to the other side of the room to call in a nurse.

I feel tears welling at the corners of my eyes. Hes so familiar, but the worst part is

I dont remember him at all. 


Soon, a nurse comes in to speak with me. "Yes, honey, how can i help you?" She asks gently, placing a hand on my leg.

I frown and brush her off. "Please dont call me that. Um, I...dont know how to say this, but..." I glance awkwardly at the boy called Jack. He raises an eyebrow. "Kat? Do you want me to...go?" He seems to swallow hard.

I freeze. How does does he know my name? "Nurse, I dont...know this boy. And im afraid of what he has manipulated me to do or told you when I wasnt awake." I spew out quickly, my breath hitching in fear. 

The boy chokes and takes a step back. "I wouldnt-Kat, I, I mean..." He looks at the nurse in horror. "Kat? Dont you know me? Come on, Jack? Jack Johnson? I-You cant have forgotten me. We were on a date, and then those girls came by, and you-" 

Im sobbing now, unable to control myself. "Please, just take him away, Im not comfortable with him here, please!" 

The nurse seeths. "You said you knew her?! You were her boyfriend?" She yells, snatching his collar and beginning to pull away. 

"No!" He fights back and stuggles. "Security!" The nurse screeches. 

"Kat, no! Try to remember,-" "Go-" "PLEASE KAT, you cant let me leave like this, I lied to you-" "Just leave me alone!" "My tour starts now, not in two weeks! Today was our last day, Kat! KAT-" 

I stop mid sob and jerk backwards. Why does that send a wave of sadness through me?I cant know. I just need to be alone. 

The security comes by and yanks the boy away. Hes sobbing now, grabbing for me. "Please...please, Kat..." I am frozen stiff. I look away, letting the tears drip down my face. 

And just like that, hes gone, his sobs echoing until they go too far away. 

"Deary, im so sorry, honey are you ok? Im so so sorry, he said he knew you, showed us a picture, i knew he was shady-" 

I clench my fists in anger. "STOP CALLING ME THAT AND  LEAVE. ME . ALONE." I scream out in frustration. The nurse stumbles back, nods with her mouth open, and leaves the room, slamming the door.

I collapse onto my bed, head in my hands, body shaking with each and every tear that falls. 

In My Dreams {Jack Johnson}Where stories live. Discover now