Soul Evans x Death The Kid : A Perfect Valentine

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~Warning: Heavy Fluff!=3 I hope you all like it, it took a while but was worth it~

//Today was Valentines Day, but too me it was more than that. Maybe the day I got to tell Kid I really like him? Im not quite sure myself actually.\\

     "Soul, hurry up the party's about to start!" Maka yelled as she was finishing up some red heart cookies she had baked for Valentines Day, "Black Star is almost here already." Soul quickly peers out of his room and walks over to Maka nervously. "Hey, uhm, does this look fine on me?" he says while looking down at his plain black pants and a new, bright orange shirt. "Yeah, yeah, it looks great. Now go clean up around the tv." she snaps back and places the red heart-shaped cookies on a plate on the kitchen table. Still shaky, Soul walks over to the apartments living room and picks up some cups left around the couch and puts them back into their place in the kitchen. "Soul, what's gotten you so worked up lately?" Maka says gently and looks him in his crimson eyes. "What? Oh, nothing. It's just-" he gets cut off by a loud ring of the doorbell. Maka's attention snaps away from what Souls saying and she's off quick to answer the door.

     "Oh! Black Star come in!" Maka exclaims as she opens the white door, letting cold air seep into their house. Just as expected the first words out of his mouth are "Please, I'm the greatest star there is!" as he enters the living room and falls back into a colorful chair, situated around the tv. "How it been man?" Soul inquires while he lays back on the couch with his head resting on the back. Maka carefully carries over the plate of cookies while the two boys talk about whats been happening lately. "Tsubaki couldn't make it tonight sadly. She's practicing her transformations and getting stronger to equal up to me!" Black Star states as he smiles proudly with a thumbs up. His statement is quickly followed by the ring of the doorbell once more. Maka peeks through the window panes too see who it is, "Looks like Kid is here with Liz and Patty!" she exclaims with a smile. "Wait, Kid is here? I'll get it!--" Soul says and shoots up off the couch over to the door. He opens the door happily but tries to conceal it a little bit. "Hello Kid." he starts with a smile, "And Liz, Patty." He adds then allows them too walk in. 

    The reaper walks in happily and greets Soul and the rest of the gang in the room. Black Star excitedly strikes himself upward and leans over the back of the chair to high five him. Kid laughs a little and high fives Black Star from the effort he put in just for a high five. "Nice to see you again" The asassin adds with a grin on his face, showing off his teeth. "Yeah, it's been a while buddy." Kid responds then looks around their apartment, "Your lacking symmetry in your living room!" he exclaims and rushes around the house fixing little errors and mistakes hidden all over. Liz closes the door behind them then takes a seat on a chair across from Black Star, "Kid get over yourself." she explains with a sigh and relaxes herself into the chair as Patty grabs a red heart shaped cookie Maka made earlier and she eats it blissfully. "Maka these cookies are amazing!" Patty exclaims ecstatically and shovels a few more cookies down. Maka lets a little laugh escape her mouth and replies "Thank you very much but don't eat too many ha-ha"

     Soul slouches quietly on the couch next to his meister, which was strange for him. Not only was it weird for him to be so quiet and mousy, but his hands appeared to be shaking a little. 

//I'll tell him by the end of tonight. I have too.\\

     "Well guys, I'll be right back. A big star like be can't hold it in forever!" Black Star yells then escapes across the wooden floor to the bathroom, his shoes making scuff sounds all the way. He opens the bathroom door quickly then closes it behind him as the room seems, steamy. The blue haired boy turns around to see- "Blair!" he exclaims as he catches sight of her taking a bubble bath. "Oh hi Black Star! Didn't expect to see you here." she says with a slight giggle in her tone. Her long, silky purple hair was wrapped up in a bun to escape from the water and her hat lay beside the tub. Purple and pink colored bubbles were floating around the room weightlessly. Her feet lay propped up on the edge of the tub with her toenails painted a light pink, showing off her cute and feminine side. Black Star stood there, seeming lifeless, and saw his reflection in a silent bubble floating past. He shook his head but still remained staring at her voluptuous body and curves. "Ah, Blair I just came in here to go to the bathroom, not for a show!" He bolts out at her. She changes her position so that her arms are crossed over the edge of the bathtub and her head begging, "Oh c'mon Black Star. We could have some fun!~" she replies with a flirtatious tone in her voice. As tempted as he was to join her, he slowely backed out of the room and shut the door in front of him with wide eyes. The crew sitting around the tv turned to look at him, "Whats that face for" Soul asked. "Blair. Just...Blair" he says quietly then takes a seat, still stunned from his expierience.


     "Oh no, what did she do this time." Maka gulped out to him as his face remained in shock. He looked around at the group, "Patty, would you stop eating all those damn cookies? By the end of the night there isn't going to be any left!" he shouts out to her. "Hey, their really good! Better than the time I tried to bake giraffe cookies.." she retorts back. 


      "Where did Kid go?" Soul questions, looking up at the others. They all look around the room but dont see him. Their expressions just come back as "I dont know" and puzzled looks. "I'll go look for him.." he says quietly and jumps off the couch hurriedly. "Kid? Kiiiiid?~" he says as he walks around the apartment trying to find the boy. The weapon rushes to every room but still can't find him. "Damn, where is he." Soul trembled worriedly. Lastly, he checks the back porch. "Kid?" he says as he moves the sliding glass door over. "Kid what are you doing out here its f-f-freezing!" he exclaims as he catches sight of the black haired reaper leaning onto the railing. "Hmm? Oh- I got a headache while I was fixing everything. I thought this would calm my nerves." Kid says back, still looking over the edge. Soul quickly musters up the courage to go over to him.

//I have too. I have too tell him how I feel. This might be my only chance.\\

      "How long have you been out here? It's so cold out.." Soul asked lightly as he stood next to Kid worriedly. With every word they spoke, their breathe seemed to freeze in the air and linger there softly. Kid looked away from the view of the city and looked up at Soul beside him. "I mean, it hasnt been long.." he says quietly and shivers slightly. His golden eyes sparkle up at Soul in the now steaming moonlight. They stand close to eachother and their eyes meet at an instant connection. "I-Uh.."


      Maka gets up to go to the kitchen as the crew has small talk in the living room. She starts to wash the leftover plates and cups in the sink. Hot water trickled out of the faucet and soon flood the sink with water as she poured in green dish soap. The bubbles started to rise up from the waters edge. She catches a glimpe of something yellow out the window from the corner of her eye. "Hmm.." she mumbles and moves the shades aside to get a better view. "Soul and...Kid?" she asks herself quietly so the others wouldn't hear. She watches them as she sees them comfort eachother.

      "Kid, I-uh.." he stutters out nervously and looks around at the wooden planks below them. "I really-...I really like you.." Soul finally manages to speak out. His hands started to tremble from worry, and a bit from the cold finally getting to him. "What if he doesnt feel the same way" Soul thinks as his mind can't focus on anything that was happening around him. His world seemed to stop as he heard certain words. "S-Soul dont worry..I like you too..." replied the black haired boy looking up at Soul with pleading eyes. Souls expression on his face had changed as a warm smile wiped across his face. Soul put his arm around Kid's waist with a grin and gave him a light kiss on the forehead. "We should probably go back inside before the cold gets to us.." Kid says softly to his new found love. "I agree. But-...Do you think we should tell the others?" Soul respondes with a worried look on his face. "We will tell them when the time is right." The reaper chimed back as they walked back inside together. 

     "Where were you guys! its been forever!" Black Star boomed out at the two just walking into the room. Kid and Soul exchanged looks with a smile, "Just out on the porch. Thats all." they reply in unison.

~Thanks for reading and I would love critique and if you want me to write more~

Soul Evans x Death The Kid : A Perfect ValentineWhere stories live. Discover now