Concert in Italy

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Kim smiled at them "that's good for you two but for what" He smiled at Ella "we just thought we will go out with a bang." He looks at them Kim smiled "good" he thought there's something else He looks "so how your sis been doing." Kim smiled at him "she will stay some at hospital and she be fine in the end" He smiled "that's good I'm happy she safe now." Kim looks at him "thanks to you" He smiled "so when you get out of the hospital we can have our concert. Do you know when that will be." He looks at them Kim smiled "well still a week" He looks "that's be good." Ella smiled "we going to do it today you can come" Katy looks at her "do you think the doctor will let me out to attend." She smiled "well if he didn't we will go in live so you can watch if you want" Ryan smiled holding Ella hand Ella smiled "well I'll see you later Kim" Kim smiled at her "sure off to write the songs I bet." He looks at her She smiled "yeah " she left with Ryan Ryan held her and and took her home She went to her room sitting in bed Ryan went to her room too getting all his luggage out "what're you doing babe" He smiled at her and he pulled out a song book he packed "what's it babe" He smiled "it song books I used to do when I played music." She smiled at him "oh that's so nice babe"

He smiled at her "let write the best songs babe." She smiled and started helping him He smiled thinking what to write. She laid putting her head on his lap "so how we start it Ryan" He smiled at her holding her tight "I figured about feeling how I feel and end with the news." He looks at her "sure be good" she smiled He looks "do you want a duet or just one person singing it." She looks at him "it's up to you Ryan want a duet or just you" He smiled "well I could never write for a duo so if you want a duo you need to help with your words." He looks straight at her "I'm not sure if I can write something Ryan" He smiled at her "ok I can write for me and discuss all the songs first do you can see it babe." He looks at her "what you mean by can see it" she smiled He looks at her "so you can see everything I write and then we need to practice all the songs." He smiled "but you said it can't be duo" He looks at her "I know but do you play any instrument so we can both play in it we can do some duet but the last song when I revealed I don't know how to so that I will just sing." He smiled at her "but I want to sing with you" He smiled "that's fine I can sing and you sing for the last song you start then I finish the song maybe that be good."

He stare at him "ok.. what're the words" He looks at her "maybe you can do this I think about the time  i found you in a photograph then the rain came and my memory floats through my heart and soul the memory of the beauty that stood." He smiled at her "but that the last song we will sing." He looks at her "I loved that Ryan" she smiled happily He smiled back "the end of the song I put in about you being pregnant." She looks at him "cool so how we say it" then he looks at her "When I singing my part you can touch your belly." He smiled "sure Ryan " she smiled "what about you come at my back and put your hand too on my belly." He smiled "sure babe that's sound wonderful." She smiled looking at him "so do you wish a boy or
girl" He smiled back looking at her "both but don't care what comes first." She smiled "I see you want lots of babies" she laughed He smiled back "only with you beautiful." He laughs too "of course only me i'm your only girlfriend" He smiled "yes and my only love that I truly love with all my heart." She looks at him "good Ryan " she smiled at him "So do you want to change or stay as you are." He smiled back "sure I'll put a dress one but are we going now" He smiled "I don't mean change that way." He laughs

She rolled her eyes "bad guy then what you mean" He looks at her "being a vampire or staying human." She smiled at him "you think I still turn into a vampire even if I'm pregnant" He looks at her "no I want a son and a daughter so we would wait until after you have more cause two vampires can't make a kid together." He smiled "so you can't turn me now" she  smiled "Nope I can't but only asking you I won't force it on you ever." He smiled back "but how you got born babe" He looks down remembering "when I was really 29 this dark stranger came up to us during our family picnic and before we knew it he attacked us with his fangs turning us instantly." She looks at him "so you were human babe" He looks at her "yes at one point all vampires was human at first but something made them change the first vampire ever I think he was changed by losing to much blood or he was always a vampire feeding on humans." She looks blankly at him "oh.. well so how you turn people to vampire" He looks at her "by biting them and leaving a little blood we take mostly all the blood but usually we don't take blood in fear of killing them." She looks at him "so it won't kill me taking most of my blood" He smiled "no not permanently you will die but you will come back but we will make sure no one knows but to kill someone permanently we need to drain their body of all their blood."

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