Chapter 2

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You fell Down on your bed, exhausted.groaning into your pillow, you slowly fell asleep.

You heard a knock on your door. You sat up and looked out your window, the sun had already come up. you walked down stairs and opened your door to find a man in front of you, with a few others behind him. He looked around distastefully and walked inside.
"So, you must be Greenland, hmm?" He asked.
"Who are you? G-get out of my house!" You yelled.
He ignored you and told his comrades to look around my house for anyone else who might be there. the front door was closed and locked.
"I said get out! I demand yo-"
The man whipped around and put a hand over my neck from behind. he pressed on it hard, hurting me.
"Never command me to do anything again, do you hear me?" He demanded.
I struggled to get free, but he pressed harder on my neck. I coughed.
"You know, I can still breathe like this, so I'm fine." I said, trying to show dignity.
He put his hand over my mouth and pressed a spot on my neck. I gagged, but I couldn't double over because of his grip, and I couldn't throw up because he was holding my mouth shut. I sat on my knees in pain.

He leaned down, not letting go. "you know, a friend of mine told me about you, said you where hot and delicious looking, like a cooked bento. he was right." he said. He leaned closer and bit my ear hard. I winced from the pain. did he have... fangs?
"I'll make a deal for you." He let go of my neck, but shoved his leg into my shins, forcing me to buckle. "I'll treat you like you deserve to be treated if you become my territory. I promise you, I'll even get you a harness..." he licked my neck. That was it. I quickly tore my arm free, elbowing him in the stomach in the process. He doubled over, but not for long. I got up and ran toward the door, but two men came in front of me. I pulled a handgun from the desk by the door and pointed it at them. "move. now." I demanded. they relented and I burst through the door, still in pajamas.
I ran to the car, but there were already people there so I turned and just started running. I ducked into an alleyway, then made another turn, then another. I didn't know where I was going, as long as those freaks didn't find me. I was barefoot and rocks dug into my feet, but I kept running. About half an hour later, I fell to my knees and collapsed in front of Norway's house, which I had seen earlier and made my target. I looked up at a gardening Norway who looked into the road at me, shocked. I slowly closed my eyes, and passed out.

I opened my eyes to a group of people crowding me. Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, and... Norway.
"Oh my god Greenland what happened to you why did you just collapse and why is your ear and feet bleeding and what did you wake up so early you're freaking me-" Denmark was interrupted by Norway hitting him on the face. Sweden whispered something to Finland and Finland laughed.
"Why don't you tell us what happened?" Said Iceland quietly. I looked up at him. I explained everything to them... Except for a few things he said.
Denmark's eyes widened more and more at every word I said. no one else, however seemed very surprised. I sat up and decided to walk around a bit. I thanked Norway for getting me and calling the others, at least someone cared, and then went to sit in the living room. I was about to get comfortable when Denmark came in and sat on the couch where I was about to lay my head. He stared at me for a very long time with an unreadable expression. He wasn't acting like himself. I put a hand on his. "Den, you okay?" I asked.
He pulled his hand away.
"You didn't say exactly what he said."
He glared at me. "what exactly did he say?"
"I- um.."
He still glared, and I felt extremely terrible.
"H-he said that... That he would treat me like I deserved if I became his territory."
"He said he would.... He would by me a h- a.."
His expression turned from hate to concern. "what?"
"A h- harness."
He looked shocked. "Really?"
I nodded.
He blushed. "wow. that's... Interesting."
I looked at him. "what?"
He chuckled. "I'm just saying," he said quietly, "what if you had accepted?"
"Well, you wouldn't be as sweet anymore, for starters."

Later on, people were leaving Norway's house, but I had no where to go. I couldn't go back home obviously, and I ended up going with Den, since I was close with him. we got into the car and he started driving. we sat in what I thought was a comfortable silence until Denmark nonchalantly said, "So, why do you hate me?"
I looked at him. "what? I don't hate yo-"
"Then what do you always try to leave? What I've I done to hear you begging me to let you be a country? What have I done to deserve to hear you complain about how much it sucks relying on someone? What if I rely on you as much as you rely on me? Have you ever thought of that?"
"No, Greenland. if your going to apologize, do it the right way." he turned the car off and got out in front of the house. I followed, running to keep up. I ran into the house, but he had already disappeared inside. I went up to the very room he kept for me in his house, since I came over a lot. I went to the kitchen and decided to prepare dinner. I got ingredients out and put some fish down, flaying it.

I already had the fish in a pan, sizzling to a bubble, when I felt a pair of arms around my waist.
"Is that for me?" Denmark asks me.
"Some of it, yeah." I say, enjoying the embrace.
He snuggles my neck. "I'm sorry I got angry at you earlier."
"That's okay," I respond. "I just want to be able to be around you more, I want to feel happy."
His arms tighten. "you... want to be around me?"
I smile. "Of course. You're my best friend. "
He turns me toward him, clicking off the stove. "best friend?"
"Mhm. I think you are amazing."
He stares at me. "friend?"
"Yeah, why? Is-"
He cut me off by kissing my lips sloppily.

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