part 5

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Once Aunt May came round, she had decided that she was going to cook the three of them dinner. She was horrified with the contents of Peters fridge, which just consisted of beer bottles and cheese.

So, like any responsible adult, she left to go to the nearest farmer's marker and brought a bunch of ingredients to make a casserole.

Peter tried to object but the older woman heard nothing of it, dismissing him and walking out the door with a mission on her mind.

She had also brought an assortment of clothes for the young woman still asleep upstairs. She wasn't fully convinced the girl wasn't his girlfriend, no matter how many times Peter assured her she wasn't.

Peter lookedmthrough the bag and pulled out a hoodie and a pair of leggings before setting them at the edge of the bed for 'Natalia' to get changed into once she woke.

As Peter was about to leave his room, he caught sight of one of his theory sheets.

'The Theory Of The Multiverse ≠ Quantum Many Worlds'

Peter paused at the sheets and it was as if a switched turned in his mind. The gears were turning in his brain and his eyes widened whilst looking at the sleeping girl in his bed.

He gathered the sheets and made his way downstairs with his laptop.

The first sheet was the theory of the void space.

'The void space is the space between realities and dimensions. The world between worlds. To get to this space, you must let go of what you are and who you are. In the void space, time is not a construct nor is it a thing. You have no identity, no gender. You are pure consciousness.

The void space is simply emptiness, nothingness. In this space, you are nothing and everything all at the same time. Once in the space, manifestations can happen in seconds, you just have to believe."

Peter had almost forgotten he had been looking into the theory of the multiverse, but reading over the void space had put a lot into perspective.

He scanned the next page : The Quantum Realm.

'The Quantum Realm is a dimension in the multiverse only accessible by magical energy, or to be believed, high energy fields. However, it can be entered by compressing a human's mass to a certain point (which has never been done- theory?) Similarly to The Void Space, time is believed to be irrelevant, but it does pass as more fluid and as a result, can change a persons timeline (time travel? Note to Peter, search up time travel).'

Peter chuckled at himself. Whilst writing the theory's down, he had noted to himself but still forgot. There hadn't been much evidence on the quantum realm or time travel so there was little for the man to re-search. But he always liked a challenge. And 'Natalia' was certainly giving him one.

He turned to the next sheet, and possibly the most important one, The Multiverse.

'Hypothetically, the multiverse was a group of multiple universes. Together, these universes make up everything to ever exist : space, time, energy, power, reality and life.

Our universe is extremely huge, consisting of trillions of galaxies spinning through space, and they each contain billions of stars. And the theory suggests that since our universe is so big, we may not be the only universe living there. Parallel worlds and multiverses, desired realities, 3D worlds etc etc. Our universe is so big that there might be an entirely different one - distantly separated from ours - and another, and another, and so on and so forth.'

Again, Peter had noticed that the information on this was little, but information on theories and opinions was vast. Most said the same thing, which was frustrating but also supplied an element of reliability.

Peter Parker was a nerd and thrived on the idea of other worldly creatures and so on, but not everyone did. It was an unknown factor in their lives, and the unknown scared people. Yes, it was interesting, but wasn't it scary?

To know that you might not be the only... well, you, out there. The universe was big, but in comparison to this, he felt so small and vulnerable. He didn't like feeling like that, but he loved space and theories and documents too much that he didn't care.

He spread the sheets out on his table and started to do even more re-search. However, before he could find out anything more than what he knew, 'Natalia' walked down the stairs, freshly changed into the hoodie and leggings that Aunt May brought.

She noticed the sheets and his laptop, "what you working on?" She asked.

Peter's face lit up, and he motioned for her to sit In the chair next to him. She complied and sat down, before picking up a sheet and reading it over.

She smiled whilst reading, enjoying his notes. She nodded along, as if critiquing and approving his work. Her eyes, which no longer stung from her tears, lifted to him and she smiled smugly at him. Almost as if she knew something that he didn't.

"...what?" He questioned.

"The quantum realm" she stated simply, shrugging in innocence.

"What about it?" He asked.

"You wasn't far off actually" she shrugged.

He stared at her, confused "what-what are you talking about?"

Before answering, she read the other sheets over and her eyes widened ever so slightly. She nodded to herself, whispering under her breathe and laughing in relief.

"Peter. I - I don't think I'm crazy." She whispered.

He nodded to her words "no, no I don't think you are. I think you're from another universe. And look, I know that sounds crazy, but the theories on this? It's believable. And I think you're my proof"

She smiled at him and nodded too "the quantum realm-I've travelled through it" she admitted.

He gaped at her, looking like a fish out of water. His head shook slightly as he laughed and pointed at her "you're shitting me, aren't you?"

She raised her eyebrows at him "no. I'm not. I could tell you the inventory for time travel if I really wanted too"

"Okay? What is it then, if you're so sure"

Nadia smirked and mentally thanked Tony Stark for being the smartest guy she knew.

"First of all, you would need Pym Particles-"

"What's that?" Questioned Peter.

"Pym Particles are subatomic particles that can increase or reduce mass as well as density and strength. Beside the point, you would need them and then you would have to make a time travel gps thing, I'm not exactly sure what it's called but an AI helped" she said.

"Artificial intelligence? That's-thats like a real thing? And it helped create time travel" he asked.

"Sure. Anyways, the AI allowed for quick calculations and simulations, allowing for us to think of and test multiple possibilities in a relatively short time. Tony Stark, who is one of the smartest people back in my reality, figured out that we needed a Möbius strip inverted for it to work. Along with that, we had Scott Lang, who had been stuck in the quantum realm for 5 years and he figured out the time heist" she nodded, still reading over the multiverse theory sheets.

"Wait-time heist?" He asked.

Nadia stopped for a moment, but decided he didn't need to know. "It's unimportant to the situation. Or? Maybe that's why I'm here." She whispered in realisation.

"How?" He asked.

"Something must've gone wrong on the return and instead of returning to my original time line, I entered another one" eyes wide, she stared at Peter and laughed a little.

It was a nervous laugh and her fear coated her whole body.


"I don't think I can get back"

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