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Cal- W-Wh-why did Ashton leave? Why would he?

Luke-don't know.

Cal-where is the not he wrote?

Luke-here *hands Cal the note*

{In the note}
"Hey Lads, if you're reading this I'm probably on my way back to Australia. Uh... I've recorded the drum for every song on the album if you guys need it. Uh... I also left because I was homesick.... Lads I'm sorry.
Ash. Xx"

Cal-*cries* read it Luke I... I uh need to go to my room... *runs to room crying*

Luke-I can't read this... I'll cry to hard.


Mike-...... Can I read it?

Mike-*reads note* oh god... *cries*

[on the plane]
Pilot- we should be arriving in Australia in thirty minutes.


Flight attendant- sir would you like a drink?

Ash-no thank you.

FA-okay *smiles*

Ash-*looks down at lap*

Darling...Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat