Chapter 4: Morro's True Colors

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It has been a week since Nadakhan had take over Ninjago, the feeling of hiding and being trap is the feeling when Lloyd's father was taking over but this time they got Harumi on our side

"Guys, we should train for a bit, for preparedness" Lloyd informed his fellow ninjas

The other ninjas nodded and started to get their weapons

They started with sparring
Zane spar with P.I.X.A.L
Cole spar with Jay and
Kai spar with Lloyd

After the Ninjas and P.I.X.A.L train, Lloyd head to a different side and hear Morro and Harumi talking, he knows that eavesdropping is wrong but he needs to know the truth if Harumi is on their side

"So what's the plan?" Morro asked

"The plan is you stay here with them while I curse Nadakhan and his crew, free Nya and turn her back and free the other ghosts out of their and get out of this realm" Harumi said furiously

"What? How are you even supposed to do that?" Morro asked shocked

Harumi just looked down sad

"I'm sorry, I just think that I can't last another minute here, I mean being with the ninjas, just bring everything to me, the time I was betraying, the time I want them to be gone. It just really hurts me" Harumi apologize

"Well if you feel a uncomfortable, you can always get out of their conversation" Morro advices

"Well, I'll look suspicious if I do that, they may say that I am hiding something from them" Harumi defended

Lloyd is sad to hear that Harumi is not having a good time with them, but he still keep continue to stay and hear their conversation

"The only thing I can say now is, if you are uncomfortable, you can tell me and we can adjust the atmosphere a little bit but just don't attack Nadakhan and his army like that, I can't risk to lose you" Morro said worried

Harumi nodded as response and Morro smiled

Lloyd walks away trying to think on how he can make Harumi comfortable with them, he wanted to make Harumi happy even the situation is like this, he just need to find a way to do it but he needs to ask help from his friends, but he is not sure if they will be willing

Lloyd head to his friends and they greeted him

"Hey, Lloyd" Cole greeted

"Hey, Cole" Lloyd greeted back

"Uhmm guys, I wanted to ask something but it involves Harumi" Lloyd said nervously

His friends was quiet for a moment, then Kai speak

"Let me guess, you want her to feel comfortable around us, in a way we're comfortable around her" Kai said and make Lloyd confused

"How did you--" Lloyd was interrupted by Cole

"Lloyd, ever since Harumi died, you have been acting weird, you may don't show it to everyone but everytime your alone and when you think no one is looking at you, you breakdown, you were crying sometimes and hoping that you could have done something to save her, that's why it's obvious to everyone" Cole pointed out

Lloyd knows deep inside in his self it was all true

"Well, can you guys do the favor?" Lloyd asked

"We'll try buddy, but no promises, she was really bad before" Jay said

"Thank you guys" Lloyd said happy

"But wait what change your minds of her being--" Lloyd was cut off by Cole again

"Lloyd, remember what Master Wu always say "The best way to defeat an enemy is to make its friend" so we wanted to try if she can really be trusted" Cole pointed out

"And we want to see you happy as well" Kai added

"Well thanks again" Lloyd smiled

"So--" Zane was cut off by a scream

"What was that?" Jay asked shock

"I don't know but we need to check it" Lloyd said and ran to the other side of the room

Lloyd and the ninjas check on who is screaming and they came a cross the room where he eavesdrop from

"Guys the screaming stop" Zane stated

"But it stop when we arrived here" Lloyd said and hold the doorknob

"This is the room when I saw Harumi and Morro talking" Lloyd said and turn the knob

"Lloyd wait, the scream sounded like a girl so if you saw Harumi and Morro here" Kai stated

Lloyd open the door slightly and see that the room is dark but even it's dark he's hearing muffling sounds, and immediately throw an energy orb and see Harumi is tied in a chair. Her hands are tied in the back and she has a cloth on her mouth.

When Lloyd and the ninjas are getting close, they see Morro standing beside Harumi and put a knife on her neck

"Morro, what are you doing?" Lloyd asked scared

"Nothing, just going to finish my job" Morro said huskily and smirk

Lloyd wanted to make a move but he's scared that Morro would make a move as well

"Let. Me. Go." Harumi muffle through the mask weakly

"I'm sorry baby, but I need to finish this to get what my master desire" Morro said seductively and tighter the knife on her neck

When Morro wasn't looking Lloyd throw an energy orb and make Morro thrown away

Then the other ninjas throw a water bucket to Morro and P.I.X.A.L put Vengestone cuffs to his hands

"Uhhh... Where did you get those?" Kai asked confused

"I keep them, just in case we need them" P.I.X.A.L explained

While the ninjas cuff Morro, Lloyd help Harumi to get out of the chair when Lloyd get Harumi out, Harumi immediately hug him and cry

"Shhhhh.. your safe now" Lloyd try to calm down Harumi

Harumi just keep crying

"What happened?" Cole asked

"W-we were t-talking a-about on w-why Nadakhan w-wanted my p-powers but a-all of s-sudden he p-punch my s-stomach and t-try to c-cover my m-mouth, all I c-can do w-was scream b-because his g-grip was f-firm, I c-can't get o-out of it" Harumi said crying

"Shhhhh.... " Lloyd try to calm her down

"H-he betray m-me, he b-betray everyone" Harumi added

Lloyd hug Harumi and keep patting her back to calm her down

When Harumi was calming down, he look at her and see she was so afraid and scared on what happened, that make his heart ache.

"Harumi, can you please go with them?, I have something to take care off" Lloyd ask Harumi

"Lloyd if you're going to beat up Morro, don't you won't even have chance to do it even you use water" Harumi said

Lloyd sighed and cupped her cheek

"Ok then but could I at least take care of you?" Lloyd ask

"You may" Harumi answered

Lloyd and Harumi both smiled and head out of the room with the ninjas but before Lloyd head out he look at Morro with a death stare and head out

I am not going to let anyone hurt you Harumi, even if its the last thing I do

So uhmm at the part when Lloyd free Harumi and hug her, his hands were glowing that time because he use his powers to touch her, so if you're confused about that here's the explanation ☺️☺️☺️

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