Chapter 7: Backstories

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The ninjas were shock that Harumi had lost the ghosts and manage to get to the train station

"See I told you we won't get lost" She said in a joke manner

"But how?" Lloyd asks

"Look through the hole"

The ninjas look through the hole of the sewers and saw that there's a Sons of Garmadon Insignia on the wall and on the floor

"So now we know why we can't see you above Ninjago, because you're under it" Jay scream the last part

"Well shouldn't that be obvious because we do have an underground base" She replied

They continue walking through the train station

"But the thing that confuses us, you guys disappear when we're close but now we know because you're heading underground " Zane commented

" I am wondering how Killow can fit in their" Jay joked

The ninjas share a laugh knowing how Killow can fit through the hole too

"But seriously, How?" P.I.X.A.L asks Harumi

"Well let's say, He's not that big like what everyone thinks" She answers

The ninjas were confused, what does Harumi means?

"There are back stories of the S.O.G. that maybe you won't believe" She added

While they're walking they stop at a wall

"Uhh why we stop?" Kai asks

Harumi press a button near the wall that make it open

It reveals the old base where the S.O.G used to hide in. They enter the place, when all of them enter the door shuts immediately

Harumi walks and turn on the light and it reveals boxes that looks like it was supposed to be packed

"Why they're packing boxes here?" Cole asks

"Not all of their stuff are transfered at the tower back then, they were supposed to take their stuff" Harumi reply

"But why it's still here?" Kai asks

"Because that day, was the day when you claimed your victory, so they didn't have the chance to take it" She answers

The ninjas were looking at boxes and saw pictures of people that look familiar yet they don't recall

P.I.X.A.L saw a picture of a man, flat black hair (like Jay's hair back at season 1), wearing chef's clothes

"Who is this?" P.I.X.A.L asks

"Oh that's Luke, Luke Cunningham" She explain

The ninjas can't believe that this is Luke

"But he looks so--" Harumi cuts of Cole

"Different?" She paused for a bit

"Luke was still a student in culinary in this picture, when the results show, it shows that he didn't pass"

"He was devastated, He was hurt he want to pass so they can see that he is something else, I use his goal to manipulate him and make him join the S.O.G." She explains

"All of the S.O.G member are all people who fail and wanted to arise, they didn't want to become evil, they just want to prove that they can be different" She added

The ninjas look around for more pictures and saw people that are so far from the S.O.G member's faces

"Who is this?" Cole gestured to the girl with long black hair wearing nursing clothes

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