Chapter 3/Rain

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Never leave me ...

It's been two weeks since our last meeting. During these two weeks we corresponded and called up three times.

She has such a pleasant and melodic voice ... I could listen to it forever.

The day was cloudy, it was pouring rain, so it would be great to invite one of my friend for a walk. So I decided to get my friend out of the house, I dialed her number.

- Hello ..." I heard a sleepy voice in the receiver.

- Hi, hi, " I replied.

-Ah, it's you. It's been a long time since you called me ... What happened?

-Yes,  it's been some time. Do you want to get out of the house?

-No, I'm too lazy, I'm sleeping," she said wearily.

- Bora, you lazy ass! Get up and walk with me! Otherwise I will come to you and pour ice water over you! "I told her jokingly.

She laughed and yawned.

- Okay, we'll meet where usually, I'll be there in half an hour, bye.

-Good luck.

When I reached the place, I sat down on the bench and closed my eyes. The rain was light, its drops merged through my hair and fell on my face. It was a pleasant sensation, just like her touch.

"I wonder how she is? How is she doing?, is she thinking of me as much as I'm?... I just want to meet her, hug  and ohh to do so much.." I thought.

- Hey, you!" A soft voice distracted me from my thoughts.

I opened my eyes and saw a familiar girl, she was standing with an umbrella and covered me with it. There was a kind smile on her face, and she held out her hand to me.

- Hello," she greeted me.

- Well, hello, hello," I answered with a smile, and with her help I got up.

We decided to hide from the rain and went into a cafe, got two cappuccino and two truffle cakes. Having paid immediately, we began to eat, it was still raining outside the window.

After taking a bite of some delicacy, I thought of her and decided to call.

- Yes, I am listening," said a gentle female voice.

- How are you there?" I asked without even saying hello.

- Me? I am wonderful," her voice was so happy that an involuntary smile appeared on my face, I want to be the reason of the smile on her face" You know what?  I fell in love and this is mutual! Now I have a boyfriend! "She happily informed me.

My heart sank, I just couldn't believe it. For ten seconds I was silent, after I came to my senses.

-Hello? Are you there?" She asked me, but I hung up.

I felt a lump in my throat and tears coming to my eyes.

- Fuck," I said quietly.

- What is it?" My friend sitting in front of me asked me anxiously.

- Nothing ... Just ... "but I could not finish the sentence, I had no words.

I ran out of the cafe. I ran for fifteen minutes, stopped and  caught my breath.

- No no no!" I screamed again and again inside myself.

-This is a lie ..."I whispered for myself, I wish that this is just a lie, that today was just a dream, a bad dream.

But that remains only my wish.

I felt so empty in my heart, I bought more cigarettes. My my heart ached.

At such moments I feel as if someone has ripped my heart from my body.

Arriving home, I turned off the phone and collapsed into bed, I had nightmares all night.

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This book will have only 6 chapters. 

Merry Christmas!

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