Chapter 4/Solution

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Think about it, maybe it's not too late? ...

"I fell in love! And it's mutual!"

These words were spinning in my head. What day is today? Day? I haven't left the house for several days. I did not answer calls, messages. 

Parents are not at home, they work, and in the evening we see each other a little, my friends go out all day, for which I simply do not have the mood.

I glanced at the clock, it was morning, went to the kitchen and made aromatic coffee.

Sitting down at the table, I opened my laptop and looked at the mail. 20 new messages, 11 of them from her, picked up the phone - 39 missed. Everything from her. A strange feeling came over me, I dialed her.

-You! Why didn't you pick up the phone ?! I'm so mad at you !!!" she yelled at me.

- Sorry" I could only say in a weak tone.

-Now! You are dressing now, going out into the street, getting on the bus and go to our place! We'll meet there in forty minutes. Okay? No is not accepted.

- Okay" I said and sipped my coffee. It tasted sugary to me, but after all, I hadn't eaten anything for several days, and at least it helped me to come to my senses.

- Okay , I'm waiting!"  she said goodbye and hung up.

After finishing my coffee, I began to dress, it was warm outside, so I put on jeans and a shirt, combed my hair, took my standard set of things: headphones, phone, money, cigarettes, and left the house. On the way to her, I was tormented by only one question  "why does she needs me?"

She was standing under the same tree as always. Such a lovely girl. Now I had no chance for her, I wanted to run away, hide, but I found the strength to put up with everything and went to meet her.

-Stupid!" she threw herself on my neck, hugging me tightly," I was so worried!

I could not help smiling, even the fact that she had someone else did not bother me at the moment.

Suddenly, a guy approached us, who looked about twenty-three years old, he was not much taller than me, so I assumed that his height was 178 centimeters. Outwardly, he was handsome, athletic body, kind eyes and gentle smile. But in any case, he was not interesting to me, because I was only interested in her, she was both better and lighter. I knew her parameters better than my own, height - 167 centimeters, weight 49 kilograms, Dark hair, brown eyes.

The guy hugged my lover around the waist.

- By the way, this is my boyfriend," she smiled and kissed him.

It was a blow below the belt. God ... How much it hurts. I was ready to kill him and take her to myself, but seeing how happy she was, I kept myself, we moved to the park, in which only two of us once walked.

As the day came to an end, I learned a lot. He, as I thought, was twenty-three years old, he was fond of photography and was in love with my beloved. And she loved him, it hurt even more.

We saw two benches facing each other and decided to sit there. I sat down on one, they sat down opposite.

I lit a cigarette and fell into thought.

"Doesn't she see my love? ... Why? Why am I not him? I want that too. I also want to be with her, and ... I ....", thoughts crossed my mind. Looking up, I glanced at them. The guy went to buy water.

I got up and walked over to her, bent over to her face. I looked into her eyes, which were full of surprise and bewilderment.

- You know ... I have long wanted to tell you this, "I took a deep breath,"  you were always there and illuminated the way of life for me. You know, I'm glad of this, because it's you," I touched her face with my fingers, then my lips with hers, " and I always wanted to tell you how much I love you," I said.

I heard the sound of glass breaking on the asphalt, turning around I saw him, "forgive me"I apologized, then turned my gaze to her, "forgive me please," I said and ran away in tears.

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