4: Transformation

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*Third POV*

Beatrice stood in the foyer as her husband, Carlisle, got ready to leave, "Must you lead the raid, Carlisle?" she asked sadly knowing that many people get hurt during these events.

"Beatrice, we've been over this many times before," he stated and turned to face his wife, "Now that my father has passed, I have to follow in his footsteps, to keep everyone safe," he held his wife's face gently in his hands, "Including you and the baby, my love."

Beatrice sighed and grasped at her husband's hands before guiding them to her growing stomach, she was eight months pregnant with their first-born child. She couldn't afford to lose her husband yet, "Hurry back," she whispered and placed her forehead upon his own with closed eyes.

"I promise," he said and kissed her gently before hurrying out the door.

Beatrice locked the door behind him knowing he won't be back until late the next morning.

-Time Skip-

The morning had come and gone, and there was no sign of Carlisle, Beatrice still waited for him, but three days had passed and no one had seen him since the raid. Many people came to Beatrice, giving her their condolences for her loss, though one person, in particular, stayed with her stayed to help her with her pregnancy.


He had no last name but appeared to be a noble, Beatrice found him to be strange, he had golden eyes, his skin was ice cold and as hard as marble, she never once saw him eat, she found that very strange. Until one day she confronted him, "Arthur," she called as she waddled into the sitting room where he was reading a book, "You're not human are you?" she asked sitting down next to him.

Arthur chuckled, "You're perceptive milady," he closed his book and stood to his feet, speeding to the bookshelf, and gently placed it away, "You're correct, I am the creature your late husband and father-in-law sought out to dispose of."

Beatrice didn't move from her place on the couch, "Aren't you afraid?" Arthur asked as he watched her.

She giggled and shook her head, "Why should I be?" she questioned looking up at him, "If you were dangerous, you'd have killed me already."

Arthur laughed heartily, "You're something else milady," she laughed with him until a sharp pain erupted from her abdomen causing her to gasp in pain. Arthur was by her side in a second, holding her back, "I-I think the baby's coming," she groaned.

Arthur quickly rushed her upstairs to her bedroom and called for some maids, there was no time to get the doctor, "I'm going to have to deliver your child myself Beatrice," Arthur informed her as he placed towels on the ground and by her bedside. Several maids were helping him prepare for the birth.

Beatrice groaned as her maid held her hand tightly, "Just get him out of me!" she exclaimed as another contraction hit her painfully.

"You must have been dilating long before now Beatrice," Arthur informed her, "You're baby's already crowning, get me some towels," he ordered a nurse that dutifully handed him more towels.

Beatrice tried to breathe but it was getting harder, "It's alright ma'am," her nurse comforted and brushed her sweaty hair out of her face, "You're gonna need to push on three okay ma'am?" Beatrice nodded quickly, "Ready? One...two...three!"

Beatrice pushed as hard as she could before stopping and panting heavily, this continued for several hours, "You're doing great Beatrice, just one more big push and we're all done," Arthur called as he prepared to catch the child and cut the cord.

"Ready ma'am?" the nurse asked receiving a feverish nod, "One...two...three!"

Beatrice screamed as she pushed harder than before, finally what felt like a build of pressure escaped her and a cry echoed into the room. Beatrice panted as she watched Arthur quickly cut the cord and bring her baby to her, "A healthy baby boy, Beatrice," he muttered and placed him into her arms.

She gazed at him in absolute amazement, "Let's give them some privacy," her nurse said and ushered the girls out of the room and Arthur stayed to keep her company.

"What're you going to name him?" he asked quietly as the baby slowly fell asleep.

"Christian," Beatrice muttered as her eyes slowly shut, "Christian...Arthur...Heinz," her voice went quiet as she slowly fell limp against her pillows.

"Beatrice?" Arthur called frightened before hearing it. Her heart was slowing down. She was dying. He quickly picked up the child and laid him in the bassinet in the room, "You're not dying today, Beatrice," Arthur muttered and ripped her dress open so he had access to her neck, "You're not leaving this baby alone," With that statement, his teeth punctured her neck and his venom entered her system quickly.

-Time Skip-

Three days. That is how much time has passed since Beatrice was first bitten. Arthur had been caring for Christian in that amount of time dutifully, he was currently feeding him when his ears caught wind of movement in Beatrice's room. She was awake.

Arthur hurried upstairs as carefully as possible with a child in his arms, he pushed open the door and there she stood, in all her beautiful glory. Beatrice turned to the sound and smiled when she saw her friend and her child, Arthur went to walk over but she held her hand out, "I don't think that's such a good idea right now," she said strained.

"Right," Arthur chuckled, "You have to feed, don't worry I know another way," he turned as Beatrice's maid took Christian, "Come," he called and sped out of the house and into the woods behind her home.

The two raced each other and laughed before they came upon a herd of deer, Beatrice crouched down to make herself not known before pouncing on one causing the rest to scatter in fright. Beatrice quickly broke the deer's neck and drained it of its blood, she never once got a drop on her dress.

Arthur watched her shocked, no vampire he had ever met had this much instinct and control, when Beatrice finished, she buried the body and stood to face Arthur with a smile, "Well then," he chuckled, "Looks like you need no instruction."

She giggled and wiped her face just in case there were any blood remnants on her face, "I think I'm okay to meet Christian now," she said and walked over to Arthur.

"Let's go then," Arthur then raced off with Beatrice quickly heading after him laughing all the way.

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