Lucifers request (suicide attempt)

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You just stared at the man on your bed. It seemed to be a kind of dust illusion but you knew he could do such a thing when he knows where you are.

"Lucifer..." You hissed.

"Oh come now. No need to be hostile. I just wanted to see what you were up to." His illusion self getting and walking around you. "My my, you've gotten stronger haven't you? It also seems someone else has touched my little assassin." 
You got wide eyed as you felt a wave of fear rush through you. ' oh shit. How does he know! ' you thought to yourself.
The figure walking closer to your face.

Strikers POV
After he finishes his good he quickly cleans up and heads upstairs. He wanted so bad to check on you. As he approached your room he hears a man's voice talking to you.

"Oh come now. No need to be hostile. I just wanted to see what you were up to." he herd. He got worried and raced back down the stairs to try and get to your window from the outside and see what's going on. As he climbed the wall he could peek through your window as he saw you standing there. Eyes wide with fear. Then he saw the shadowy figure. He could hear the conversation cause the window was slightly open.

"Don't worry doll face. I'm not gonna hurt him. I actually had a new hit for you. Turns out he's here already so that should easy for you."
You were starting to shake. You wanted to be away from all of this. You don't want to kill anyone else.
"I want you to eliminate Striker."

Your heart almost stops when you hear this. You try to speak but the shadow took his hand and put it over your masked mouth as if he knew.
"Now you do know what will happen if you don't do as I say don't you? So be a good little assassin and kill your target."
With this he stepped back and vanished into thin air.

Once he was gone you fell to your hands and knees and started crying. Tears hitting the floor and your hands. You can't help but let out a few whimpers.

Striker watched from the window and herd you now had to kill him. Figuring out this guy must have been Lucifer. He climbed down and stood on the porch.

You can't do it.... You just can't do it..... But you can't live with yourself if something bad happened. You grab your knife and jump out the window. Running for the woods. You dart past the front porch completely missing the fact Striker was there. He watched as your running full speed to the woods. He takes off after you.

You reach the pond in your secret spot. You pull your mask off and sit in front of the water. Looking at your reflection. You continue to cry. After a minute of holding it all in you let out a loud scream to the sky filled with anger. Punching the rock beside you causing your hand to bleed.

Striker makes it to the edge of your area and hears you scream. He watches as your hand hits the rock. Breaking it apart but your hand bleeding afterwards.

You start yelling to yourself.
"Fuck! How did he find me! I can't do this. How am I supposed to do this!" You wrap your legs close your chest. "THAT SELF CENTERED BITCH! I wish I could just kill you myself. Then maybe I could be free from your abuse."
Your knife falls from your pocket and tinks as it hits the floor. You stare at it for moment before picking it up.

' I could end this suffering without hurting anyone else.... '

Your hands start to shake with your knife held close to you. You put your hands between your knees and lower your head. Slowly rolling up your sleeve to reveal your arm.

Striker looks over at you and really starts to worry. Something is clearly wrong and she doesn't want to work for Lucifer. ' Does she not want to kill me? Should I go comfort her? What do I do? ' he looks back at you and sees your head lowered to your body. Your expression blank.
' (Y/N)? '

You take your knife and proceed to cut your wrists. Grunting and trying not to shout in pain. When you finish you look up in a gasp. Your wrist hurts really bad. You throw your knife to the ground beside you and grab your arm. Your tears flowing again as you try to give final thoughts.

Striker sees your arm and starts running for you. As he gets closer to you he yells your name. "(Y/N)!"

You turn your head and see him running for you. Your eyes widen with fear as you try to get up but your already dizzy. As soon as you stand you fall forward, hitting the ground with a thud. Striker tries to lift you up but you shove him away. Your blood getting everywhere. "Get Away From Me!" You scream at him.

"No! Let me help you!" As he tries to pick you up again.

You push him away and are able to get up. You attempt to run but his tail grabs your waist and you miss step and trip. You end up falling in the pond.
Your body starts getting weaker as you try to swim back up but you just keep sinking. The light fading away. ' I'm about to die aren't I? Maybe it's for the best. I'm sorry Striker. I wasn't strong enough. ' everything goes black as you pass out.

Strikers POV
He dives into the water after you. Swimming down as fast as he can. He grabs your arm and pulls you back up. Once he reaches the surface he gasps for air. Paddling his way to the shore. He carries you up onto the grass and checks your pulse.

It's weak.

He feels your body getting colder. "No, (Y/N) please. Stay with me! I can't lose you!"
He wraps your arm with his bandana tightly to stop the bleeding as best he could and gives you cpr.

After a few breaths he tries to wake you up again. "Come on (Y/N) please!" Few more breaths.

All of a sudden you wake up gasping for air. Coughing up water at the same time.
You look up to see Striker was holding you. His entire body soaked. ' he must have dove in after me ' you look at him. "You should have let me drown..." You tell him.
He looks down and you can see tears dripping from his face. ' is he crying? '


He looks down at you and pulls you into a tight hug.
"(Y/N) I care about you. I want you to be with me! Fuck what anyone else says! I'll protect you I promise! My sweet viper."

You start to hug him back. Your weak body using the last of it's energy.
"Striker~~~" you said weakly.
He pulls away and looks to you. "I-I'm s-sorry. I was just to scared about getting hurt again." You feel yourself drifting out again. "I..." Taking a breath trying to look at him. "I think I love..." You start to fade out. "" passed out again. Sinking further into his arms.
"(Y/N)? It's okay hun, I'm gonna get you home. I'll take care of ya.~" he lifts you up and runs for the house. Once he gets back he tries to sneak in the front door and quietly takes you to his room. He doesn't want anyone else to panic. Once inside his room he lays you down on the bed and checks your arm. He needs to close that wound and fast. He grabbed the first aid kit and tried his best. With you being passed out he was able to do it quickly and hopefully when you awaken it's pain free. He re wraps it and lays down beside you. Holding you close to him all night.

(Let me know how I'm doing or if there's anything more I can add. I'm trying to really pull you into the story with stuff I've delt with in my life including earlier attempts mentioned in the story. I know there is plenty of auto corrects that change a few words around but it's readable.)

Striker x Reader (female snake imp)Where stories live. Discover now