The festival

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*dawn of a new day, the day of the festival*

(Y/N) woke up in a slight pain. They looked around and saw they were in Strikers room. His arms wrapped around her. She looked down to her arms and noticed a stich job done to her cuts. No wonder your arms hurt. As you start to move Striker sits up and looks down at you.

Morning (Y/N), are you okay?~
You notice the fear in his eyes. All you can do is look away from him. Your embarrassed by your actions. You know that was no way to solve your problems but you've been put through so much you just couldn't think of any other option.

~Little Viper.... Is there anything I can do to help?~ Striker pulls your chin over to face him. His eyes filled with worry as you begin to tear up. You drop your head into his shoulder and can't hold back the tears any longer. Striker holds you against him as you cry. Letting out all the sadness you've kept hidden all this time. Regretting everything you've done. After a couple of minutes you pull yourself together. ~I know why your upset. I wanna know how to help you. It's clear to me you don't want to work for him anymore but he's got something over you.~

"Yeah, he has my little sister. Our parents died when we were little. I was just a teen then but she was still a baby. I did everything in my power to take care of her. That's when Lucifer found us. Told me he could teach me how to protect ourselves. We were starving and cold. I took any offer that came our way. So after a few years when (sisters name S/N) was old enough to be left with a sitter I started working for Lucifer to pay him back for basically saving us. But after killing so many people he wasn't satisfied. He started taking advantage of me. Made me do things I didn't want to do. When I said I wanted to leave that I was done with him, he took my sister and I couldn't do anything about it. My sister is a teen now and he wants to train her just like he did me. I don't want my sister to have to deal with what I did. If I become strong enough I can save her. But recent events proved to me I'm not strong enough... "

Striker grabs your hand. ~My viper, You don't have to worry any longer. Once we're done here we will go together to get your sister back. I'll help you any way I can. Just promise me something.~ (Y/N) looks him in the eyes. ~Prove to me how strong you really are. Nothing holding you back. Show me that you want your sister back. No more tears. No more pain.~

"How am I suppose to prove that?"

~Todays Pain Games.~

(Y/N) gave him a firm look and shook her head. It was then there was a rape at the door. "Breakfast is ready Striker. It's not like you to sleep in." Striker looked over to the door. ~I'll be out soon ma'am. Just getting ready for the pain games today.~ Lin responded "That's good to hear. I'm gonna grab (Y/N) then we can all head down together." Striker answered quickly ~ Don't worry her ma'am, go on down and I'll get (Y/N) for ya. I wanted to talk to her for a moment anyway.~ Lin paused "Well okay then. Y'all hurry up now." She proceeds down the stairs. Striker looks over to you. ~Looks like I'm saving you life all the time.~ He then chuckled.

You get up from the bed and walk to the door. You crack it open to look for anyone upstairs before sneaking back to your room to get dressed for the day. You had a lot to do ahead of you. You wrapped your arm in bandages before sticking a Long sleeve crop top on with shoulder slits that show off your tattoo. A pair of black jeans with a double belt to hold your knife and your favorite revolver. Knee high buckle boots great for any terrain. Pulling your hair into a high pony tail with your bangs hanging out. A black bandana around your forehead. Pair of fingerless gloves. You grab your mask and put that on as well. Looking in the mirror you look like a badass and are ready to take on anyone who challenges you! As you finish up you grab your phone and music player. Clipping the music player to your belt with the headphones wrapped around your neck and your phone in your pocket. A soft knock on the door, Striker signaling for you to come out.

As you step out of the room Striker couldn't help but look you up and down. Admiring that your confidence is back. Before y'all went downstairs Striker leaned in and whispered in your ear ~Remember Viper, Show me how strong you are.~ He then grabs your chin and kisses you. It only lasted a few seconds. ~I'll have more for you when today is done~ He winks. You both head down the stairs for breakfast.

(Time skip to festival)
(Yes I'm skipping the annoying announcer lol)
Prince Stolas finishes *Good luck to you all. Especially that sexy little one there. You who Blitzy!*
You and Striker both turn to look at Blitz. "Oh fuck me." He says in response. You merely smirk at that response. Blitz looks over at you though "Good luck today (Y/N)! Even though I'm gonna kick your ass!" Your anger staring to boil.

The gun fires!

You start running with Striker and Blitz on your tail. You only a bit faster then the 2 since your height is a bit smaller. You reach the climbing wall and jump so high you reach the top and swing yourself over with ease. Using your feet on the other side of the wall you push yourself farther forward and flip in the air before landing into a roll. The boys behind watching you. Striker notices Blitz watching you as well and starts to get mad. Blitz taking the opportunity to push off of Striker and getting over the wall. Striker leaps after.
(A few other courses)
Tug of war starts and your on the same team as the guys. You all win with ease.
Hog tie. Striker got paired with Blitz and easy tied him up. You watch as your opponent tries to grab you but you easily dodge and they fall face first into the mud. You tie their hands and legs and proceed to leave the pin.
Wrestling. Striker was pinned against a random dude while you got paired with Blitz. "This is gonna be fun" he says to you. Your eyes start to glow red. Your mouth forming a vicious smile under your mask. You crouch down. Staring at Blitz like you did the bull. Striker beat his opponent and looks to you. He notices the red in your eyes like before. He chuckles. ~Hey Boss man! She's about to kill your ass might wanna run.~
Blitz looks back at him. "The Fuck you mean?" (Y/N) then sprinted full force at Blitz catching him off guard. Grabbing him in a full bear hug and Slamming him down into the ground. Blitz has no time to react as (Y/N) grabs his feet and starts to swing him around, throwing him on the ground once again onto his back. Dropping on top of him with her hands on his shoulders close to his throat. The ref calls it and (Y/N) wins. But her grip wouldn't lighten. Blitz starts yelling but she can't hear him. Striker lifted her off of Blitz but when she looked Striker in the eyes her anger calmed and the redness in her eyes started to fade. She looked from him to Blitz then walked off. "Damn that's one strong women. I wonder if she wants a job killing humans. She would be an excellent addition to I.M.P " Blitz said. Striker looked at him. ~Well hey boss man, what if we both come work for ya after we take care of some business we have?~ Blitz looked super excited. "Only if I can ride your horse a few times." Striker Chuckled. ~ You got yourself a deal there partner. ~ The both shook hands.

(End of the games)

(End of the Festival part one)
*let me know what you think! I'm glad to finally have some inspiration to continue this story again. The more people like it the more my adhd ass will want to continue!*

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