Re-meeting the fam (or finding a weird Tardis in an alternate universe)

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Hi! This is my first fanfic that I've decided to do as a proper story, not just 1 rubbish oneshot. Constructive criticism is always welcome! I hope you enjoy it :) Also, this is a slight AU as I've decided none of the companions are dead and none of there memories have disappeared. Just say it's wibbly wobbly timey whimey and leave it at that.

Italics means thoughts

(Bold in brackets means authors note)

Bold means the Taris

The doctor sat on the steps leading up to the temple of Atreides (definitely not just having seen dune, definitely not... heh). She had needed a break. After seeing her own mother turned to dust, finding out she was the timeless child, and having a new companion so soon after her other 2 left her, she decided to stop. The temple of Atreides was the only place that nobody could get into without a badge. No time lords, no daleks, no cibermen... nothing. It was the only place she felt safe. 

Just when she had almost found the meaning of life, a glowing white orb floated next to her. What are you, then? She wondered. After a few seconds wondering what she should do, she decided to poke it. After all, if you're facing the unknown, hit it with a stick. Or, in this case, a finger. What was the worst that could happen? (A/N: I find it hard to do paragraphs, but I find it hard to read a big block of text, so I'll try my hardest to make it so that It's easy to read, but I can't guarantee it. Sorry!)

All she saw was white bursting from the glowey sphere before she slowly descended into darkness. Her last thought before the inky blackness emerged her was how poking it might not have been the best idea.

The doctor awoke to a soft, carpeted floor beneath her. It was a stark contrast between the cold stone steps from the temple of Atreides and the luxurious blanket beneath her, definitely. She slowly got to her feet. There appeared to be voices coming from the next room, so she obviously snuck next to the door and used her sthesescope to listen in on the conversation. They seemed to be arguing. She got bored of hearing them  mutter things she couldn't quite here, so she burst through the door. What she was not expecting, though, was to see almost all her companions and friends standing in the middle of what appeared to be a cinema.

"Of course, alternate universe. Should have guessed, really," she muttered, staring out the window into the starless sky, " dod you miss me?" She asked louder, so everybody could hear.

Just as a chorus's of yeses filled the room, with astounded looks from Bill, a familiar humming made its way inside the cinema. It was the Tardis, or, to be precise, the Tardeses consciousness.

Hello everybody. I am here to show you the Doctors past, her regenerations and other adventures. This is a list of everybody in the room: if I call your name, wave at everybody.

Yaz Khan

Dan ???

Jack Harknes

The Master

The Doctor

Rose Tyler

Donna noble

River Song / Melody Pond

Amy Pond

Rory Williams

Grayham O'Brien 

Ryan Sinclair 

Bill potts

(Should I put in Nardole?)

(Did I miss any? If I did, tell me in the comments)

I am the Tardis's consciousness. If you have any questions, ask the doctor at the end of the episode. Just some basic things you might need to know:

The doctor is a TIME LORD and has 2 hearts

Galifrey is the doctor's and the master's old home

The doctor is on her 13th regeneration

The master is on his 9th (I think?) regeneration

The Tardis can travel through space and time

TARDIS stands for;







Well, let's get on, shall we?

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