The flux: part one

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Bold means the video

(Bold in brackets means A/N)

"Bold in speech marks means TARDIS"

Ok, this one is called the flux. It's a six-part video, so it might take quite a long time. Also, I call the doctor 'the doctor' so it might get a bit repetitive. it's a piece of trash, just a warning. I got the scripts from so all the extra comments aren't mine. I hope you find it adequate!

In mid-air]

DOCTOR: Listen to me, Karvanista. If you think you have won this little skirmish, you are very much mistaken. Do not imagine for a second that you have got the better of us. Right, Yaz?
YASMIN: Oh, yeah. We are totally in command. 

"Are you sure about that?" Asked River, "you don't SEEM to be in command..."

"Shut up, River," grumbled the doctor, doing her best to hide from her sarcastic wife.

KARVANISTA [OC]: Is that right? Cos from where I'm hovering, you seem to be handcuffed and footlocked to a gravity bar, which in 79 seconds will release you into the boiling acid ocean directly below, where your bodies will instantly disintegrate. Even if you survive that - which you won't - in four minutes' time the entire planet will be engulfed by a nearby giant red star. Oh, and if you try and escape, my Kill Disks will blast you to pieces. 

Jack sighed. "How do you get into these situations, doc?" He asked.

"I honestly have no idea how she's still alive right now," commented river, leaning forward to peer at the screen. 

The doctor didn't even bother with arguing. It was hopeless, anyway.  

(Flying machines with twirling blades.)
KARVANISTA [OC]: Meanwhile, I am now far away, travelling towards what will in future be known as the final hours of planet Earth.
BOTH: What?
KARVANISTA [OC]: Don't worry. You'll be long dead.
DOCTOR: Oh. I must admit, Yaz, I can't help feeling that some of this is my fault.
YASMIN: Some? All of this is your fault.
DOCTOR: What d'you mean?
YASMIN: Accidentally blowing up Karvanista's droid guards when we were trying to sneak into his operations base unnoticed? 

"What did you do, doctor... you'll never learn." Rose asked her. Her feeble protests fell on deaf ears as the rest of the group nodded.

DOCTOR: It's very temperamental, Nitro-9.
YASMIN: Suggesting we escape his base by air-surfing on this gravbar?
DOCTOR: How was I to know that force shield would reboot at the exact moment we were heading towards it?
YASMIN: And when we got captured, you had to mention the two sets of cuffs in your pocket.
DOCTOR: Two words, Yaz, Trapezium Seven.
DOCTOR: Trapezium Seven. That high-gravity circus workshop. Who were the top two in the class? Ready?
DOCTOR: Me neither. I love being not ready. Three, two, one. Alley-oop.
(They swing themselves upright onto the grav bar just as the foot-locks release.)
DOCTOR: Got it.
(The Kill Disks start firing.)
DOCTOR: Time to go.
(The Doctor pulls a wire and starts the grav bar moving.)
YASMIN: How do we get these cuffs off?
DOCTOR: Very easily because, Yasmin Khan, they're voice-activated. That's why I told him they were in my pocket. Release. Release.
YASMIN: Release!
(The grav bar is fracturing.)
DOCTOR: Release! Oh, maybe I was Scottish when I set them up. (rolls rrr's) Release. Release!!
YASMIN: Doctor! 

"Seriously, doc, did you think that would work? You always take a gamble, don't you," Ryan told her sternly. The doctor rubbed her neck sheepishly.

"Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time, to set it so it would only respond to the right accent."  

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2022 ⏰

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