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episode one



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Cheer practice was going as usual. Someone messed up and Coach Sylvester called them out. At least this one didn't run off crying like a baby.

Luckily for her, Angelica was doing perfectly, as per usual. She knew that if she made even one mistake her coach would put her lower on the pyramid, and she did not want that to happen any time soon.

When cheer practice finished, it was time for class. Unfortunately for Angelica and a few of her friends, their first class was Spanish. They always wondered how their Spanish teacher got the job considering he couldn't even actually speak Spanish properly. Angelica didn't care though, she was too busy thinking about her next cheer practice. She was excited, she loved to cheer.

It was lunch when she found out that one of the teachers, Sandy Ryerson, got fired from one of her best friends, Santana. The girls didn't really care since no one liked him but they hoped there would be a younger hotter teacher to replace him so they could have some eye candy. Oh how they would be upset when they found out who was the replacement.

"I heard that Mr. Shuester is the new teacher for the glee club," Angelica told her fellow cheerios.

Turns out she heard correctly, there were new sign-up sheets for the glee club on the board later that day.

Angie was leaving school for my free period when she heard Finn calling her name. She came to a stop only for Finn to drag her into an empty classroom.

"What can I help you with, loser?" she asked.

"I don't know how considering I've never even done drugs but Mr. Shue found drugs in my locker and I had to join glee club so I wouldn't be in trouble," Finn answered.

"You joined the glee club?! Do you know how bad that is, Finn? That is literally as if you just threw yourself down multiple flights of stairs. Why didn't you say it wasn't yours and just blame it on Puck or something?"

"I know, I know. I said it wasn't mine but he didn't believe me and Puck already gets into enough trouble as it is. I couldn't do that to him! Quinn's gonna be pissed." Finn groaned to himself.

"Now you have to deal with the consequences Finn. I can't just get you out of this without getting myself into that hole and I refuse to join glee club." Angelica said apologetically as she left the room.

"Hi, Finn! RuPaul." Quinn said glaring at Rachel as Santana and Angelica stood behind her. "What are you doing talking to her?" Angelica tried to warn Finn not to get on Quinn's bad side since she was weirdly moody that day with her eyes. Not that Finn ever got the message but she tried anyway.

"Science project. We're partners." Rachel said still looking at Finn.

Quinn then proceeded to tell Finn to come to her house later that evening and left with her two best friends.

After Cheerios rehearsal, Coach Sylvester brought the Unholy Trinity with her to the auditorium. It was almost as if she knew something was going on there that she didn't like.

When they got there, they found the New Directions performing 'Don't Stop Believing' and all of them but Angie finally found out Finn was in the glee club.

Later that night, Puck stopped by Angel's house. He knocked at her front door only for her to open it and immediately grab his collar and tugging him into her house, slamming the door behind him.

"Woah there, tiger! I get that you want me but geez relax a bit," he said snarkily.

"Shut up! I'm angry."

"Ohh I see. Angry sex. That's hot."

As she drug him upstairs, they both thought about how they had a long night ahead of them.

author's note: if you see any grammatical errors or want to give any constructive criticism please don't be afraid to do so as long as it isn't in a rude way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2022 ⏰

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