Chapter Five

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  • Dedicated to XxTearWritersxX

Here we go!!! Another chapter... :D

P.S. Theres nothing to do with Vampires in this book. Sorry to all those vamp fans...

Do the Normal









And love reading it!!! ;D


Chapter Five

"Hello?" My voice clearly rang out int he empty, dark room bouncing of the walls, mocking me. I knew it was a dream. Another stupid dream in la la land.

When no reply came I sighed and walked towards my right until I reched a smooth marbel wall. Sighing again I slid down and prepared to wake up or for someone, maybe Grian, to come in.

After a few hours of waiting a cough was heard from my right, but I didn't move. Why fool myself? Everything echoes in this room so there was no exact dirrection for me to say it came from.

"And who might that belong to?" I asked with fake cheerfullness. My head was bowed and my eyes closed as my strapless silk dress flared around me.

"Why didn't you look around when you heard me?" A voice which I was expecting sounded from all the sides but now I got the idea that Grian was on my near right. Don't ask. Call it Assassins instint.

I laughed quitely, "I was expecting you Grian." My voice was quite layered with amussment.

"You were." He sort of gasped out letting a slip of his emotions. The high the level the sharper the echo but the more defined.

He was close. Very close. I cautiously lifted a hand and felt out along the floor until I came to what I knew to be expensive material sweaping the floor. I smiled even wider. He was leaning over me... Inspecting me...

He'll make a good teacher, "So." I said, "Why don't you sit down and introduce yourself properly?"

"How-." He began but I cut him of. "I can feel your robes, Giran. Now sit and lets talk."

A small chuckle escaped his lips and I heard the rustling of his clothes as he slid down next to me, "You are quite observant. He spoke of you more than the others."

I raised an eyebrow, "He?"

He laughed this time, "Don't worry, Anima. You'll meet him soon and your question will be answered."

"Why do you call me Anima?" I asked curiously. I resited asking about my girl, Anima since I desprately wanted to keep her out of this mess.

"Your questions will be answered in time, young one. Have patience." His voice held amussement at my constant stream of questions but that was the one thing that kept me going when I was an Assassin. Curiousity...

"So... Tell me about your family?" I decided to start with lighter questions. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. It didn't matter if he wasn't a friend or not. Something told me I would be seeing him often so why not get to know him better?

"Wh...what?" He stuttered out quite obviously not expectiong the 'normal' question in a very not 'normal' situation.

I laughed and paused listening to it echo bach at me sounding quite alien. It actually sounded... nice. "It's a simple question Grian."

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